Page 2 of 3 7L766 Rev A 180501
Step 2
Power, Ethernet, and Node Connections
DC 24V
Connect DC 24V from the Power Supply to the
power jack.
Power can be confirmed by observing the green
power light next to the power jack.
Connect the Ethernet cable to the provided Ethernet network
socket as depicted to the right.
Network connectivity is required for custom
configuration, but not required for the IDS-
CCULD to operate.
End Nodes
The End Nodes plug into their respective ports per the Site
Configuration Detail 7L766-SCD.
For custom configuration, please see IDS User Interface Guide.
Mis-wiring can cause damage to the device.
All cabling should be tested with an Ethernet cable tester prior
to use.
Custom cabling should be wired to the T-568B standard and
tested before use.
Step 3
Digital Input and Output Relay
Digital Input
The Digital Input can be used for device Scheduling or as an
analog input.
Do not apply any voltage to the Digital Input or damage will
occur to the device.
The Digital Input is activated when a ground signal is sensed.
Output Relay
The Relay can be used to trigger a response from an existing
alarm panel or as another output.
It can be wired as Normally Open or Normally Closed.
The Relay is rated for 250VAC/100VDC, 10 amps.
Step 4
Snugly hand tighten the included Antenna to the antenna jack on the IDS-CCULD.
This Antenna is only required when using the optional IDS-RTCTOP.
The Antenna needs to pointed as vertical as possible.
These are NOT
Ethernet Ports