To stop the session at any time, tap the play/pause button. This will pause the session. To restart your paused session,
tap the play/pause button again. If you are done using the system, remove the attachments from the hose, remove the
attachments from your limbs, turn off the control unit by pressing the power button, and disconnect the hose from the
control unit.
To disconnect connectors from the junction box or the control unit, push the button on the top of each connector while
pulling away.
The session will continue massaging until time runs out and the display reads 0:00:00. The time indicator will blink, and the
control unit will continue until the current cycle is finished. When the session is completed, remove the attachments from
the hose, remove the attachments from your limbs, turn off the control unit by pressing the power button, and disconnect
the hose from the control unit.
To disconnect connectors from the junction box or the control unit, push the button on the top of each connector while
pulling away.
To turn off the system, press the power button and confirm that the green power LED is off.
During your session, you can increase the intensity of a single zone with the Zone Boost feature. Zone Boost is designed
to be used when you want extra attention in a specific area. Zone Boost will add an extra 60 seconds of massage time, as
well as 10 mmHg increased pressure, in the selected zone. Zone Boost can only be enabled during a session. Only one
zone can be boosted at a time. Zone Boost is only available with the patented Pulse massage pattern. Boosted zones
will appear with the Zone Boost indicator on either side of the boosted zone (figure 1) on the
control unit’s screen.
Activate Zone Boost: When the zone you want to boost is flashing on the screen of the control
unit, tap the Zone Boost button. Zone Boost will be enabled for the flashing zone, and the Zone
Boost indicators will appear on either side of the zone (figure 1).
Deactivate Zone Boost: At any time when Zone Boost is active, tap the Zone Boost button.
Zone Boost will be disabled, and the Zone Boost indicators will disappear from the screen.
Zone Boost can also be disabled by powering off the control unit.
Figure 1: Example of zone
three boosted.