© Erwin Hymer Group North America, Inc
Distribution Panel
The distribution panel is located inside the bed cabinet of the passenger side bed. The 120VAC breakers and 12VDC fuses are located behind the
black plastic cover of the distribution panel.
The identifying information is on each breaker and fuse with labels under the cover. Flip it to view. The 12VDC fuses are standard automotive
Always replace the fuses with the appropriate amperage and never replace a blown fuse with one of a lower rating.
When storing the Aktiv for the winter, turn off the battery disconnect switch and all the circuit breakers on this panel.
AC Breaker Panel
The 110VAC breakers are located below the monitor panel behind a black plastic cover. Flip the cover to the right and note the labels under the
cover with the identifying information on each breaker. When storing the Aktiv for the winter, turn off the battery disconnect switch and all circuit
breakers in this panel.
12 Volt Fuse Panel
The 12VDC fuses are located to the right of the 110VAC breakers. The label on the cover has identifying information for each fuse. These are
standard automotive fuses. Always replace the fuses with the appropriate amperage and never replace a blown fuse with one of a larger rating.