Water Shut-Off Valves are Closed -
Open Shut-Off valves.
Dirty Filter -
Clean or replace filter.
Jets Not Properly Adjusted -
Adjust Jets properly.
Diverter Valve Not Properly Adjusted -
Adjust diverter valve properly.
Thermal Overload Tripping -
Check for restricted flow of water.
Therapy Jet Not Operational
Spa Overfilled -
Adjust water level.
Too Many People in the Spa -
Adjust water level.
Drain-Valve Left Open -
Close drain valve.
Couplings or Unions Loose -
Tighten or contact your local dealer.
Pump Seal Leaking -
Contact your local dealer.
Plumbing / Connections Leaking -
Contact your local dealer.
Water Leaking from Spaside Control -
Contact your local dealer.
Water in Air Blower Plumbing -
Contact your local dealer.
Water Leaks
Temperature Not Set Correctly -
Adjust Set Point.
Over or High Temperature Protection On -
Refer to Spa Side Messages
Current Limiting On
- 120V Systems will not heat if High Speed or Blower is on.
Contact your local dealer.
No Power -
Reset breaker at service panel.
Low Water Flow -
Clean or Replace filter.
No Heat
High Heat
Filter Cycles Running Too Long -
Adjust filter cycles down.
Temperature Set Too High -
Adjust Set Point.
High Ambient Temperature -
Remove spa cover.
Lightning / Electrical Storm or Power Surge
Reset GFCI Breaker.
NOTE: The GFCI breaker must be properly installed by a licensed electrician.
Defective Component or Improper GFCI Breaker Installation -
Contact a qualified
service technician or the factory for assistance.
Light Bulb Defective -
Replace bulb or contact your local dealer.
Reflector has Fallen Off -
Replace deflector or contact your local dealer.
Light Not Plugged-In -
Plug in the Light.
GFCI Breaker Trips Occasionally
GFCI Breaker Trips Immediately
Light Not Operation
System is in Rest Mode -
Refer to Modes on page 19.