Tuck wires up into the housing
to prevent rubbing on the
rotor and secure power cord
assembly (27) to the motor
housing (25).
To replace the power cord (27)
single phase pump
, as
determined in Repair step 5
coat the cord grip threads with
pipe dope or apply Teflon tape
and screw the new power cord
assembly (27) into the motor
housing (25). Tighten down the
knurled nut with either pliers or
a pipe wrench. Referring to
wiring diagrams in this manual,
secure wires together with wire
nuts (26).
Do not tape leads together as
the hot oil will deteriorate the
tape and cause motor failure.
14.Before filling the motor
housing with oil, an air test
should be performed. Apply 7
to 8 pounds of air pressure in
the 1/4" NPT tap (3) on the top
of the motor cover and seal
chamber. (
Too much
pressure will damage the seal.)
Then submerge the pump in
water and check for leaks. If a
leak occurs, isolate where it is
coming from and correct the
problem by replacing the
sealing part. If there are no
leaks, fill the motor and seal
housing with high grade
transformer oil to at least one
inch below top of housing.
Do not fill the motor housing
completely. Allow air space
for expansion.
Replace oil plugs (3).
15.Connect power cord wires to
terminals. Connect power and
check pump running. Motor
should run smoothly free of
vibration. Place pump back
into pit.
entry location in the motor
dome (25). Pull the wires
through the hole opening in the
motor dome (25). Position the
clamp ring (13) over the seal
plate (24) and replace the
machine screws (23) in the seal
plate (24).
8. Coat the rubber ring on the
rotating seal half with O-ring
lube and press the seal onto the
shaft with the rubber ring
facing the impeller.
Caution: Mixing old and new
seal parts will cause immediate
seal failure. When replacing
seal, replace both the rotational
and the stationary seal halves.
9. Replace the impeller (15) on
the pump shaft. On the three
phase models fasten the
impeller washer (17) with the
impeller screw (16) to the
pump shaft.
10.Turn impeller (15). It should
turn freely with no drag.
11.Set the seal housing and
motor housing assembly into
the volute case (14) and
secure with three hex head
screws (11).
12.Reach in the eye of the volute
(14) and turn impeller (15)
again. It should turn freely
with no drag.
13.If necessary to replace the
power cord assembly (27) on
three-phase pump
determined in Repair step 5),
obtain a new power cord
assembly from Hydromatic
Pump. Refer to wiring
diagrams in this manual;
secure wires together with wire
connections (26) only.
Do not tape leads together as
the hot oil will deteriorate the
tape and cause motor failure.
1. Thoroughly clean the seal plate
(24), particularly the seal and
bearing pockets. All sand and
dirt must be removed.
2. If the stationary seal half was
removed as in step 13, coat the
replacement stationary seal
half with O-ring lube and use a
plastic pusher to press it into
the housing. Make sure the
rubber ring goes in first. Do
not use any sharp objects that
may damage the seal.
3. When installing a replacement
bearing, press only on the inner
face and make sure the bearing
is flush against the snap ring. If
a press is not available, the
bearing can be tapped onto the
shaft using a sleeve that bears
only on the inner face.
Pressing on the outer face will
ruin the bearing.
4. Push the shaft, rotor and ball
bearing assembly into the seal
plate (24), being careful not
to chip the ceramic of the
stationary seal half.
5. Replace the motor (7) if it is
visibly burned or if the ground
resistance test (step 3) or
the winding resistance test
has failed. Note that the
replacement stator must be of
the same manufacture as the
existing rotor or vice versa.
Replace the four stator bolts.
6. Remove the old O-ring (12),
regardless of condition,
and replace. Place the new
O-ring over the seal plate
(24) shoulder.
7. Clean motor cover assembly
(10, 25). Then, position it over
the seal plate (24) so that the
motor wires are near the cord