Installation and Operation:
1. Remove cabinet cover. Drill holes for the three wall anchors with a 7mm drill bit, using the cabinet back as a template
for correct spacing of the mounting screws. Install mounting anchors, and then screws in top two anchors. Slide
key holes in cabinet back over screw heads, tighten screws, then install bottom screw. Do not mount more than
(1.8 metres) above the bottom of the concentrate container, nor below the highest concentrate level (never mount
your concentrate higher than the proportioner).
2. Select metering tips (up to 4) for the selector valve (see next two sections). Push each tip firmly into a separate hose
barb extending from the selector valve. A tip with no hole (clear plastic) can be used to block any valve port
not being used. (This may be used for dispensing water only.) Select and install a metering tip for the single product
eductor (right side) in the same manner.
3. Cut tubing provided into separate supply tubes for each product to be dispensed (tubing allows for 200mm of tube
per product). Supply tubes should reach from hose barbs on the selector valve body and eductor to bottom of
concentrate containers. Slide ceramic weights over one end of each tube and slide foot valves into the same ends
of the tubes.
4. Slip open end of each supply tube through an opening in either side of the cabinet and push over a hose barb/
metering tip on the selector valve and on the eductor.
5. Place foot valve ends of supply tubes into concentrate containers. REMEMBER TO CHECK FOOT VALVE
6. A short discharge tube is used with the 4 LPM eductor (selector valve); minimum tube length is 20 cm for
correct operation. A longer tube (1.2m) is used with the 16 LPM eductor. Slide end of tube with flooding ring over
eductor discharge outlet. The hose hook supplied may be installed on the long tube to allow it to conveniently hang
from dispenser when not in use.
7. Replace cabinet cover. Push the sides in, behind the latch holes, to snap the cover in place. The two screws provided
may be installed in the holes in the cabinet sides to prevent easy removal of cover.
8. Connect water supply hose of at least 13mm ID to water inlet swivel. (Minimum 1.76 Bar pressure, with water running,
is required for correct operation.) Connect opposite end of hose to water supply. Turn water supply on.
9. Purge air from the system by depressing the buttons briefly.
10. Push button to start flow of desired water/concentrate solution, and hold until supply tube is primed (filled). Then
push the button whenever dispensing is desired, and release button to stop flow of solution.
If you wish to be able
to lock the button in the "on" position:
Clip or bend the two tabs behind the lower front portion of the button.
(Seediagram.) This allows the button to be fully depressed and allows it to latch in the "on" position.
To unlock, pull
the button out.
Series Proportioner Model 3876GB-2
Package Should Contain:
1. Proportioner unit.
2. Supply tubing : 650mm total.
3. Foot valve assemblies & weights (5).
4. Discharge tube for each eductor.
5. Metering tip kits.
6. Mounting anchor kit.
7. Hook for 16 LPM discharge tube.
8. Instruction sheet.
Clip or
tabs to
into locked