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Figure 2 DX-88 Resonant

Radial System

Arrange the radials as shown in Figure 2.
Attach the hook screws to your roof and tie
each rope section to each hook loosely. Allow
extra rope at each location for fine-tuning of
each radial wire length. Waterproof the point
where each hook screw and lag screw enters
the roof with RTV.

The resonant radials must be at least 10 feet
from tower guy wires, mast guy wires or any
other wires or metal objects. Use the shortest
path possible between the antenna and an 8
foot ground rod for the earth ground, using #6
or #8 copper wire. Mast mounting is identical
to roof mounting.


Keep this antenna away from the reach of
children or pets. When transmitting, the
antenna and antenna radials are hot with
RF proportional to the operating power.

If you mount your antenna on a roof and find
the roof space is to small for the radial system,
you can droop the radials over the edge of the
roof at almost any angle without seriously
changing the performance of the antenna. The
radial system must be insulated from the roof
and connected to a good ground for lightning

In any installation, use a good quality 50 ohm
coaxial transmission line such as Times RG-
213/u (solid), Belden 8214 (foam) or Belden
8237, 8267, or 9251 (solid).

Take extra care when soldering connectors to
foam dielectric coaxial cable. Weatherproof
all connectors which will be exposed to rain or
ice with Coax-Seal® or another similar

Attach the transmission line to the bottom of
the base assembly and tighten securely. Tape
the coax to the tripod for strain relief when
roof mounting.

Coax-Seal® is a registered trademark of Universal Electronics,
