1. Mount the rotator to the lower mast support and to
the mast. (See Figures 5 & 6.)
Attach one end of the control cable to the rotator
terminals. Use the same sequence as used on the
pre-installation check. The cover and grommet
must be slipped over the cable prior to attaching
it to the terminals on the rotator. (See Figure 4.)
3. Tape the rotator control cable to the mast at points
18" to 24" apart.
4. Connect the antenna cable to the antenna (follow
manufacturer's recommendation). Make sure
you have enough slack for the 360° rotation.
(The antenna rotates "S" to "E"
[counterclockwise] during its first turn,
therefore, slack should wrap counterclockwise
around the mast.) See Figure 6.
5. Attach the mast guy wires to the rotator lower
mast support or mast ring
Figure 5
Rotator Mounting with Lower Mast Support