CAUTION: All of the antenna dimensions must be set on the mode chosen - all CW, all
mid-band or all phone. Mixing dimensions in an attempt to improve another mode on
certain bands will only degrade performance on all bands. Refer to Figure 2 in
assembling the main portion of the antenna.
M1 and M2 Section
Put a #16 tubing clamp (Item No. 18), un-tightened, over the M1 section (Item No. 4)
(the base is attached to it already). Slip the 1 1/8" x 52" M2 section (Item No. 7) into the
top of the M1 and set the M2 at dimension 'A', as shown in Figure 1. Slide the clamp into
place around the top of the M1 and tighten it just enough to keep the M2 from skipping.
It will be fully tightened later.
10-Meter Trap
Put an un-tightened #10 Tubing clamp (Item No. 17) over the M2 section, then slip the 10
meter trap (Item No. 11), bottom first, into the M2 section. (There is a plastic cover on
the top of all three parts.) Set the trap at dimension "C", as shown in Figure 1. Slip the
clamp into place around the top of the M2 section and tighten it just enough to keep the
trap from slipping. It will be fully tightened later.
15-Meter Trap and M3 Section Assembly
Place two, un-tightened #10 tubing clamps (Item No. 17) over the 1" x 8" long M3
section (Item No. 8). Slide the M3 section part way over the upper end of the 10-meter
trap, then slide the lower end of the 15-meter trap (Item No. 14) into the M3 section. Set
dimension "C", as shown in Figure 1, and locate the M3 so that it is equally spaced
between the two traps. Tighten the clamps around the ends of the M3 just enough to keep
parts from slipping. They will be fully tightened later.
20-Meter Trap and M4 Section Assembly
Assemble these two parts like you did the M3 and the 15-meter trap. Use two more #10
tubing clamps, the 1" x 6 1/2" long M4 section (Item No. 9) and the 20-meter trap (Item
NOTE: There is a threaded metal insert in one end of the M5 section which will accept
the #10-24 x 1" bolt (Item No. 20), which will hold the top hat in place. The end with the
insert must be at the top.
M5 Section
Put a #6 tubing clamp (Item No. 16), un-tightened, over the swaged end of the 20- meter
trap. Slip the 7/16" x 56" long M5 section (Item No. 10) into the swaged end of the trap
and set dimension "E", as shown in Figure 1. Slide the clamp in place around the top of
the swaged end of the trap tube and tighten it just enough to keep the M5 from slipping. It
will be fully tightened later.
Recheck all dimensions. Tighten all of the compression clamps securely in place.