User Manual r1.4 eng
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Modbus interface
acts as a server device in its Modbus TCP or RTU interface, connecting to the Ethernet port of the gateway
or the RS485 port. To access the points and resources of the Intesis from a Modbus client/master device, see details
below in this document.
Functions supported
Modbus functions 01 and 02 (
coils and digital input registers
) can be used to read Modbus registers.
Modbus functions 03 and 04 (
read holding registers
read input registers
) can be used to read Modbus registers.
Modbus functions 05 and 15 (
Single digital Holding Registers
Write Multiple Holding Registers
) can be used to
write Modbus registers.
Modbus functions 06 and 16 (
Single Multiple Holding Registers
Write Multiple Holding Registers
) can be used
to write Modbus registers.
poll records
are used to read or write more than one register, it is necessary that the range of addresses requested
contains valid addresses; if not the corresponding Modbus error code will be returned.
All the registers are of 2 bytes, even if they are associated to signals of type bit in the external system, and its content
is expressed in MSB..LSB.
Modbus error codes are fully supported; they will be sent whenever a non-valid Modbus action or address is required.
Modbus TCP
The TCP port to use can be configured (by default 502 is used).
The IP address, subnet mask and default router address to use by Intesis gateway can be also configured.
Modbus RTU
Connect the communication cable coming from the Modbus network to the port marked as Modbus of Intesis.
Connect the EIA485 bus to connectors A3 (B+), A2 (A-) and A1 (SGND). Respect the polarity.
Remember the characteristics of the standard EIA485 bus: maximum distance of 1200 meters, maximum 32 devices
connected to the bus, and in each end of the bus it must be a termination resistor of 120 Ω.
Address Map
The Modbus address map is
predefined and it’s not configurable. Check the
Configuration Guide
to find a list with all
the available registers implemented in the gateway.