Flood detector 1W-UNI 3m
HW group
HW group
Monitoring the flood detector over GSM
All three sensors are connected to the T-Box hub for 5 RJ11 sensors.
The sensors are powered from the Ares internal battery even in case of power supply failure.
Water sensor detects water at one point (on the sensor body).
detection indicates water detection at a single point.
The WLD sensing cable that connects to the “WLD Relay” sensor detects water leak along its
entire length.
detection indicates the detection of the first water drops in the entire area.
Water flood detection:
Flood detector 1W-UNI 3m
Water flood sensor
– spot
detector (1D),
1-Wire UNI interface.
HWg-WLD Relay
Detects water along the entire
length of the sensing cable
Relay output, 1-Wire UNI
WLD sensing cable A - 2m
Sensing cable to detect water
leaks along its entire length
Connects to “HWg-WLD” or
“WLD Relay”.
LAN sensor to detect water
along the entire length of the
sensing cable (2D).
Web interface, e-mail, SNMP,
SMS GW, etc...