P/N 3091736_C
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Product will be degraded and may spoil if
allowed to sit in a non-refrigerated area.
DO3: For either fans or refrigeration 2
Fans: The relay will cut in when the fans have
to operate Refrigeration 2: The relay will cut in
when refrigeration step 2 has to be cut in
DO4: For either alarm, rail heat, light or hotgas defrost
Alarm: Cf. diagram. The relay is cut in
during normal opera- tion and cuts out in
alarm situations and when the controller is
dead (de-energised)
Rail heat: The relay cuts in when rail heat
is to operate
Light: The relay cuts in when the light has
to be switched on Hotgas defrost: See dia
gram. The relay will cut out when defrost
has to be done.
Data communication
The controller is available in several versions
where data com- munication can be carried out
with one of the following systems: MOD-bus or
If data communication is used, it is important
that the installation of the data communication
cable is performed correctly.
See separate literature No. RC8AC…
Electric noise
Cables for sensors, DI inputs and data com-
be kept separate from other
electric cables:
- Use separate cable trays
- Keep a distance between cables of at least 10 cm
- Long cables at the DI input should be avoided