P/N 3091736_C
Q2SSNM4SPA Merchandisers
During defrost a –d- is shown in the display.
This view will con- tinue up till 15 min. after the
cooling has resumed.
However the view of –d- will be discontinued if:
-The temperature is suitable within the 15 minutes
-The regulation is stopped with “Main Switch”
-A high temperature alarm appears
The controller can give alarm in different situa-
tions. When there is an alarm all the light-emit-
ting diodes (LED) will flash on the controller
front panel, and the alarm relay will cut in.
Upper alarm limit
Here you set when the alarm for high temperature
is to start. The limit value is set in °C (absolute
value). The limit value will be raised during
night operation. The value is the same as the
one set for night setback, but will only be raised
if the value is positive.
The limit value will also be raised in connection
with reference displacement r39.
Lower alarm limit
Here you set when the alarm for low tempera-
ture is to start. The limit value is set in °C (abso-
lute value). The limit value will also be raised in
connection with reference displacement r39.
Signal to the alarm thermostat
Here you have to define the ratio between the
sensors which the alarm thermostat has to use.
S3, S4 or a combination of the two.
With setting 0% only S3 is used. With 100%
only S4 is used.
Power supply
115 V a.c.
S3 and S4 are thermostat sensors.
A setting determines whether S3 or S4 or both
of them are to be used.
S5 is a defrost sensor and is used if defrost has
to be stopped based on temperature.
Digital On/Off signals
A cut-in input will activate a function. The pos-
sible functions are described in menus o02 and
External display
Connection of display type EKA 163A (EKA
The general uses are mentioned here. See also
page 6 where the different applications are
DO1: Refrigeration. The relay will cut in when
the controller demands refrigeration
DO2: Defrost. The relay will cut in when defrost
is in progress