• Rinse with hot water, but do NOT fl ood. Never
introduce water faster than the waste outlet can
remove it.
NOTE: Self-contained Models
The evaporator pan must be monitored
overfl ow conditions.
Provide drainage if
necessary. After cleaning and rinsing, purge the pan
of any standing water.
• Care should be taken to minimize direct contact
between fan motors and cleaning or rinse water.
• Allow the merchandisers to dry before resuming
• When cleaning lighted shelves, wipe down with a
damp sponge or cloth so that water does not enter
the light channel.
Do NOT use a hose or submerge
shelves in water.
User Information (Cont'd)
Stainless Steel Cleaning and Care
There are three basic things, which can break down your
stainless steel’s passivity layer and allow corrosion.
1. Mechanical Abrasion
Mechanical Abrasion means those things that
will scratch the steels surface. Steel Pads, wire
Brushes, and Scrapers are prime examples.
2. Water
Water comes out of our tap in varying degrees of
hardness. Depending on what part of the country
you live in, you may have hard or soft water. Hard
water may leave spots. Also, when heated, hard
water leaves deposits behind that if left to sit, will
break down the passive layer and rust your stainless
steel. Other deposits from food preparation and
service must be properly removed.
3. Chlorides
Chlorides are found nearly everywhere. They
are in water, food and table salt. One of the worst
perpetrators of chlorides can come from household
and industrial cleaners.
Despair! Here are a few steps that can help prevent
stainless steel rust.
1. Use the Proper Tools
When cleaning your stainless steel products, take
care to use non-abrasive tools. Soft Clothes and
plastic scouring pads will NOT harm the steel’s
passive layer. Stainless steel pads can also be
used but the scrubbing motion must be in the same
direction of the manufacturer’s polishing marks.
2. Clean With the Polish Lines
Some stainless steels come with visible polishing
lines or “grain”. When visible lines are present, you
should ALWAYS scrub in a motion that is parallel to
them. When the grain cannot be seen, play it safe
and use a soft cloth or plastic scouring pad.
3. Use Alkaline, Alkaline Chlorinated or
Non-chloride Containing Cleaners
While many traditional cleaners are loaded
with chlorides, the industry is providing an ever
increasing choice of non-chloride cleaners. If you
are not sure of your cleaner’s chloride content
contact your cleaner supplier. If they tell you that
your present cleaner contains chlorides, ask for
an alternative. Also, avoid cleaners containing
quaternary salts as they also can attack stainless
steel & cause pitting and rusting.
4. Treat your Water
Though this is not always practical, softening hard
water can do much to reduce deposits. There
are certain
fi lters that can be installed to remove
distasteful and corrosive elements. Salts in a
properly maintained water softener are your friends.
If you are not sure of the proper water treatment, call
a treatment specialist.
5. Keep your Food Equipment Clean
Use alkaline, alkaline chlorinated or non-chlorinated
cleaners at recommended strength. Clean
frequently to avoid build-up of hard, stubborn stains.
If you boil water in your stainless steel equipment,
remember the single most likely cause of damage is
chlorides in the water. Heating cleaners that contain
chlorides has a similar effect.
If chlorinated cleaners are used you must rinse,
rinse, rinse and wipe dry immediately. The sooner
you wipe off standing water, especially when sit
contains cleaning agents, the better. After wiping the
equipment down, allow it to air dry for the oxygen
helps maintain the stainless steel’s passivity fi lm.
7. Never Use Hydrochloric Acid (Muriatic Acid) on
Stainless Steel
8. Regularly Restore/Passivate Stainless Steel