5. Assemble the Portable Case
In this procedure, you will install the base assembly into the portable case.
1. Unzip the largest opening on the front of the portable case.
2. Insert the base assembly into the portable case, so that the
PiranhaMAX control head is facing out of the case. For best results,
pull the case over one shoulder of the handle at a time.
3. Adjust the case so that you can easily grab the handle, through the
fabric handhold inset, from the outside top of the portable case.
6. Charge and Install the Battery
In this procedure you will charge and then install and secure the battery.
1. Charge the battery, using the included battery charger, until it is fully
charged as indicated by the LED on the charger. Charging usually
requires 8 continuous hours but may vary depending on your
Some international models may not include a battery or battery charger.
2. Open the bottom back zipper on the portable case, and install the
battery in the battery well. While holding the tie-down straps out of
the way, make sure the power cable is fitted snugly into the slot in the
well so that the battery does not rest on it (see the illustration
Installing the Battery
Installing the Base into the Case
Pulling the Case over the Handle
Holding the Portable Case
Figure 38
PiranhaMAX Portable Case Assembly