Satellite Carrier to noise ratio 49 coverage 6, 17 HDOP49 PDOP49 status 17, 49 VDOP49
Screen Display 13 cursor 13 light 13, 23 mode indicator 13 multi function display box 13 numeric
icon 13 numeric latitude 13
numeric longitude 13 plotter range 13 speed 13 Select System 6, 13, 18 Service Policy 61
Simulator 54, 55 Specifications 62 Speed units 19 STEER 14, 30 Steering course bearing 30, 56
distance to next waypoint 30 time to next waypoint 30, 56 XTE 30, 56-57 System Options clock
20 display/contrast 22 distance/speed 19 heading 19-20 land mass 51 lat/Ion gridlines 51 NMEA
output 19-20 plotter history 51-52 position 19, 21 UTC offset 19-20 update averaging 19-20
System status 49
TEXT 14, 23 Time adjustment 20 Time differentials (TD's) 6, 21, 67 Top-down view 24 Tracking
49 Troubleshooting 60 True Course 20, 65-66
UTC 20, 65
VIEW 14, 24
Wait 17
Warm start/cold start 16, 49
Waypoint 6
Waypoint, permanent changing 32,34-35 deleting 34 distance to waypoint 44 entering a new 32-
33 highlighting using PICK 28 to clear 47
Waypoint, temporary highlighting using PICK 28 listing 32, 37 storing present position 27, 59
storing cursor position 27 to clear 23, 27
XTE 30, 56-57
ZM IN/ZM OUT 14, 15
Содержание NS 10
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