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Set the Main Bang Suppression
Set the Main Bang Suppression to create a range around the boat, or the center of the Radar View, where
the radar signal will be suppressed. The targets in this range will not be seen.
Select Main Bang Suppression from the Installation menu.
Use the 4-WAY Cursor Control key to select and adjust the following settings:
Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to adjust the STC. STC filters the clutter that may
appear on the view during rough sea conditions. (0 - 255; Default = 50)
Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to adjust the gain. The gain controls the amplification
of the radar signal. (0 - 255; Default = 0)
Main Bang Suppression:
Press the RIGHT or LEFT Cursor keys to adjust the Main Bang
Suppression range. A high setting sets a wider radius around the radar and the boat, while a
low setting limits the radius to a shorter range. (0 - 255; Default = 221)
Press the EXIT key.
As the Sector Blanking Range and Main Bang Suppression are adjusted, it is important to note that targets within
these ranges are not displayed on the view.
Set the Sector Blanking Range
Sector Blanking sets an area where the radar will not transmit. This setting is useful for preventing
reflections or false echoes from displaying on the Radar View; however, any targets within this range are not
displayed on the view.
Select Sector Blanking from the Installation Menu.
Set Range:
A line showing the first range of the sector will display on the view. Press the RIGHT
or LEFT Cursor keys to adjust the range.
Press the
ENTER/INFO key to set the first range.
A second line will appear on the view. Repeat steps 2 and 3 to adjust the second sector. The
range is highlighted in gray on the view.
Delete Sector Blanking Range:
Select Clear Blank Sector from the Installation Menu.
As the Sector Blanking Range and Main Bang Suppression are adjusted, it is important to note that targets within
these ranges are not displayed on the view.
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