While facing the back of the panel, the four connections starting from
the left are for the water drain, tap water input, vacuum input, and
compressed air input respectively. The last three connections are for
de-aerated water return from the de-airing tank, tap water going to the
de-airing tank, and air/vacuum to the de-airing tank respectively.
On the face of the panel are the connections for air pressure outputs to
the HM-2450A Automatic Pressure Controllers, tap water and
de-aerated water for the HM-4151A Air/Water Bladder Cylinders,
HM-2315 Automatic Volume Change, and the triaxial cell. Also, there
is an auxiliary pressure connection for air pressure up to 10 psi and an
auxiliary vacuum connection. These connections are made using quick
disconnect style fittings. These fittings have a barbed end which fits
into the tubing and a nut which fits over the tubing to clamp the tubing
on to the barbed end of the fitting. To disconnect the fittings from the
panel, push down on the tab at the top of the socket half of the fitting
as shown in Figure 3. The plug half of the fitting will pop outward. To
reconnect it, just push the plug into the socket until the tab clicks and
locks the plug in place. The connection for the tap water to the base
of the sample via the volume change device requires a ¼ inch to 1/8
inch push-to-connect adapter to allow the attachment of ¼ inch tubing
from the panel to the 1/8 inch OD tubing which connects to the volume
change device. This adapter is supplied with the panel.
The HM-4151A Air/Water Bladder Cylinders have push to connect
style fittings at the bottom of the assembly. These fittings use the ¼
inch OD tubing and attach the by the same method as the fittings on
the back side of the panel. The right fitting is for air pressure from the
Automatic Pressure Controller. The other push-to-connect fitting is for
water from the connections on the front of the panel. There are two
bladder cylinders required per triaxial cell. One bladder cylinder is for
cell pressure and tap water supply, the other cylinder is for back pressure
and de-aerated sample water supply. The air pressure line for one of the
bladder cylinders will connect to the Cell air pressure connection on the
back of the HM-2450A Automatic Pressure Controller and the water line
for that bladder cylinder will connect to the Bladder A connection on
the front of the panel. The air line for the second bladder cylinder will
connect to the back pressure connection on the back of the HM-2450A
Automatic Pressure Controller and the water line for the second bladder
cylinder will connect to the Bladder B connection on the front of the
panel as shown in Figure 2.
The HM-2315 Automatic Volume Change Device has push-to-connect
fittings for 1/8 inch OD tubing. The volume change device is connected