3 Display
1. Indoor AQI mode
It shows the indoor AQI measurement with an Icon
The status LED color changes according to the iAQI level
to Blue, Green, Yellow and Red
Good iAQI Moderate iAQI Poor iAQI Unhealthy iAQI
2. Combined View
Shown in a step-by-step chart to make air quality easier
can be assessed beyond difficult intelligible figures.
Good moderate poor unhealthy
PM2.5, VOC and Co² can be combined in one
displayed on a single screen. The show graphs
in 4 steps the air quality as good - mediocre -
poor and unhealthy.
3. WHO mode ( icon mode) (World Health Organisation)
One can easily identify the good or too high status of the fine dust level
by the 4 icons. In this case the display will automatically show the worst
of both PM2.5 and Pm10.
air quality
: moderate
air quality
: poor
air quality
: unhealthy
air quality
4. PM display mod (Particulate Matter) :
Simultaneous display of PM2.5 and Pm10 measured values
5. VOC display mode (Volatile Organic Compound)
VOC concentration is displayed in PPM figures
6. Co² display mode
The Co² concentration is shown in a graph
The Co² sensor applied to our product is Co²eq (Co² equivalent) which is calculated
based on the H² concentration that occurs during fasting breathing. It may react to other
harmful gases in the environment. If it shows a bad/unhealthy condition, use it as a ventilation
guideline for indoor air management.
***** In the case of CO² and VOC, the value is displayed after 15 - 60 seconds when switched on,
after which the value is updated every second.