panel the tester with enable the high voltage output unit.
8) If the regulator is not at zero position when you press down the close button the high
voltage output unit would not be enabled. There is a zero position indication lighter on
the panel of the main control box.
9) Adjust the high voltage output to the withstand test value step by step. Read the high
voltage value and LV current from meters at the same time.
10) Start the timer by the timer switcher on the main control box panel when the high
voltage has.
11) If the current over the value set on the panel of the over current relay the tester would
cut off the power supply of HV transformer immediately. It is said the test result is
12) If the timer display value reach the set value the tester would have a sound alarm to
inform operator that the withstand time is ok. If the tester has not start the over current
protection unit before sound alarm it is said the test result is ok.
13) Open the power supply of HV transformer by press down the “open” button on the
panel of the main control box when test is end.
14) Please discharge the high voltage circuit of sample equipment before remove off the
cable connection of high voltage circuit.
Please do not start the test if some part of the tester had been destroyed.