Common Operations
12.1 Logging In to the Server Node iBMC WebUI and CLI
12.2 Logging In to a Server Using the Integrated Remote Console
12.3 Logging In to a Server Node Using the IRC
12.4 Logging In to a Server Node Over a Network Port by Using PuTTY
12.5 Logging In to a Server Node Over a Serial Port by Using PuTTY
12.1 Logging In to the Server Node iBMC WebUI and
The iBMC provides a WebUI and CLI for server node management.
12.1.1 Logging In to the iBMC CLI or WebUI of a Server Node
Through the iBMC Management Network Port
IP address of the iBMC management network port on the server node
User name and password of the server node iBMC
TaiShan X6000 Server
User Guide
12 Common Operations
Issue 04 (2020-06-05)
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