hio_firmware -d /dev/chioa -f /tmp/hio_fw
The firmware of an earlier version may not support the data format of the firmware of a later
version. A firmware upgrade may damage data on the SSD device. The system will ask you
to confirm data deletion during the upgrade, enter
only after you ensure that all required
data has been backed up.
If the OS crashes or the server powers off during the upgrade, upgrade the controller firmware
Step 5
Run the
command to restart the OS.
Step 6
Run the following command to check whether the SSD device controller firmware is upgraded:
cat /proc/hio/info
The command output contains the following controller firmware version. If the version is of the
target version, upgrading firmware is successful.
HIO 1 Controller FW VER: 209
5.5 Replacing an ES3000
This topic describes how to replace an ES3000.
The following two modes are supported:
5.5.1 Replacing an ES3000 on a Riser Card
5.5.2 Replacing an ES3000 Directly in a Server
5.5.1 Replacing an ES3000 on a Riser Card
Operation Scenarios
To ensure the safety of the human body and security of the equipment, only trained maintenance
personnel can replace an ES3000.
You need to replace an ES3000 if:
The ES3000 hardware fails.
Before replacing an ES3000, check that:
Tecal ES3000 High Performance PCIe SSD Card
User Guide
5 Maintenance and Upgrade
Issue 04 (2014-03-05)
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