Configuration Item
Management IP Address
Old Password
WEB User Password
Confirm Password
WEB User Level
Mandatory. Enter the management IP address of the switch, in dotted decimal notation.
Mandatory. Select a subnet mask from the drop-down list box.
Mandatory. Enter the old password for the default web user.
Mandatory. Enter a new password for the default web user.
To ensure password strength, the password must contain at least two types of the following:
lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits, and special characters (such as ! $ # %), and cannot
contain any space or single quotation mark.
Mandatory. Enter the new password again.
Optional. Select a user level from the drop-down list box. The user of level 3 or higher has
management rights.
to save the configuration. When you exit from the initial login page, either of the following
situations will occur depending on the management IP address you configured:
Step 6
If the management IP address is in the same network segment as, the system jumps to the web login
page directly.
If the management IP address is not in the same network segment as, you cannot log in to the
switch again using the web management system. You need to configure another IP address for your computer to make
the computer and switch reachable from each other.
The Quick Config function has been added to the web EasyOperation edition since V200R010. You can quickly finish
the configurations of VLAN isolation and interconnection by selecting the Switching and Routing options.
Now, you can log in to the switch using the web management system, Telnet, or STelnet to maintain the switch.
6.2 Using the Console Port for the First Login
The console cable is not delivered with the switch and needs to be separately purchased if needed.
The display information may differ on different product models.
Install third-party terminal simulation software on the PC by referring to user manual or online help.
Before You Start
Use a console cable to connect the switch to a PC.
Start the terminal simulation software, create a connection, select a serial port, and set communication
parameters in consistent with the default configuration of the switch's console port, as listed below:
Step 1
Step 2
Login Procedure
Transmission rate: 9600
Data bit (B): 8
Parity bit: None
Stop bit (S): 1
Flow control mode: None