PON port, the OLT must detect all ONTs connected to the PON port within 125 us. That
is, requests for upstream bandwidths from all ONTs must be received by the OLT within
a ranging period of 125 us. In addition, the speed of light is fixed. Therefore, the maximum
distance between two ONTs that are the furthest away from and nearest to the OLT
respectively must be limited to 20 km.
Q: What are methods for GPON ONT upgrade and what are their differences?
A: There are two methods for GPON ONT upgrade: OMCI remote upgrade and local
upgrade. The OMCI upgrade indicates the remote upgrade for the ONT in the office or on
the upper layer device such as the N2000 BMS, which is invisible for users. The local
upgrade involves the Web upgrade and serial port upgrade. The user can performs the Web
upgrade, that is, enable the maintenance IP address of the ONT and select the upgrade file
to upgrade. The serial port upgrade is performed by engineers in maintenance.
The upgrade files of ONTs include the following:
file: This file must be loaded in the CFE mode.
file: This file is loaded on the Web page directly. It can also be loaded in the
CFE mode.
file: This file is loaded on the Web page directly.
The HG810, HG810a, HG850, HG865, OT550, and HG851 can be upgrade by running
commands through telnet.
Differences between three files are as follows:
file is the upgrade file for earlier versions. When the .
file is upgraded, the
basic input/output system (BIOS) and user programs are upgraded.
When the
file is upgraded, the BIOS and user programs are upgraded.
When the
file is upgraded, the BIOS is not upgraded.
Currently, ONTs of Huawei's use
file for upgrade.
5 Troubleshooting
EchoLife HG861 GPON Terminal
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Issue 01 (2009-07-30)