Compatible with IEEE 802.11b/802.11g, passing the authentication of Wireless Fidelity
(Wi-Fi) Alliance and featuring good compatibility with other WLAN devices.
Supports multiple authentication and encryption modes, providing users with the secure
and reliable wireless access.
1.3.3 Convenient Home Network Attached Storage and File Sharing
The HG8245T provides one USB port, which can be used to connect to a USB storage device
to provide convenient home network attached storage and file sharing services.
The USB storage function of the HG8245T has the following features:
The USB port supports plug and play (PnP) and hot plugging.
The USB function can be configured on the local Web page, which facilitates home network
attached file sharing.
The USB port implements the FTP client for home storage, that is, downloading files from
the FTP server in a public network to the USB storage device.
1.3.4 Secure and Powerful Gateway Functions
The HG8245T can function as a home gateway, which features the secure and powerful gateway
The gateway features of the HG8245T are as follows:
Forwarding rate up to 900 Mbit/s, meeting service requirements for a high quality
Functioning as a DHCP server or a DHCP client, meeting various requirements in different
Configuration of anti-DoS attack, MAC address filtering, IP address filtering, URL address
filtering, firewall, and ONT ACL, making the HG8245T more secure and reliable when it
functions as a gateway
1.3.5 Convenient Automatic Provisioning, Maintenance, and
Management of the Remote Service
The HG8245T applies the TR-069 and OMCI management, manages terminal services without
additional IP networks, which facilitates automatic provisioning, maintenance, and management
of the remote service.
The remote service management of the HG8245T has the following features:
Supports configuring the global profile and issuing the XML configuration file on the NMS.
To provision ONT services in batches and adjust the network, only a few changes are
Supports user-defined upgrade policies configured through the NMS. The device is
automatically upgraded after being powered on and no manual operation is required.
Supports remote performance management of the HG8245T through the NMS. By
collecting the performance data, the network performance exception can be monitored in
real time.
EchoLife HG8245T GPON Terminal
Product Description
1 Introduction
Issue 03 (2012-07-13)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.