Huawei Ascend P2-6011 Smartphone FAQ
2 Common Settings
Issue 01 (2013-04-20)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
If Wi-Fi is enabled, your phone scans for available Wi-Fi hotspots in range. Select a hotspot,
enter the password in the dialog box that is displayed, and click
. After connecting to
the Wi-Fi hotspot, your phone can access the Internet.
2.2.2 What Protocol Does My Phone Support?
Your phone supports 802.11b/g/n.
2.2.3 My Phone Is Connected to a Wi-Fi Network but Cannot
Open Web Pages. Why?
Possible causes are as follows:
The x digital subscriber line (xDSL) connection failed. If the Wi-Fi hotspot (such as a
wireless router) to which your phone connects use the xDSL mode to access the Internet,
your phone cannot access the Internet when the xDSL connection failed. Ensure that the
Wi-Fi hotspot successfully connects to the Internet in xDSL mode.
A domain name service (DNS) problem occurred. In this case, web pages cannot be
opened, but you may still log in to QQ. Attempt to log in to QQ to verify that this may be
the problem.
The websites that the Wi-Fi hotspot can access are restricted. In this case, your phone
cannot access the restricted websites.
2.2.4 I Have Turned on My Phone's Wi-Fi, but It Cannot Detect
Wi-Fi Signals from a Wireless Router Like Other Devices. How
Can I Solve the Problem?
Check that the wireless router's service set identifier (SSID) is not hidden.
Turn on your phone's Wi-Fi again.
Restart your phone.
2.2.5 How Can I Tell Whether My Phone Is Using Its Mobile Data
Connection or a Wi-Fi Connection to Access the Internet?
Once connected to a Wi-Fi network, your phone uses the Wi-Fi network to access the Internet.
The icon
in the notification bar indicates that your phone is connected to a Wi-Fi
2.2.6 I Cannot Connect to a Wi-Fi Hotspot. Why?
The password is incorrect. Note that the password is case-sensitive.
The signal strength becomes weak or your phone is out of the Wi-Fi hotspot coverage.
2.2.7 My Phone's Wi-Fi Connection Automatically Disconnects
After the Screen Times Out. What Can I Do?
You can set the sleep policy as required. On the home screen, touch
, and touch
. On the
Advanced Wi-Fi
screen, touch
Keep Wi-Fi
on during sleep
, and touch