After detecting a service error or recovery event, the AR500 provides unified management
of logs, traps, and debugging information, and redirects information to different directions
for fault location.
Fast information collection
A system administrator can use
display diagnostic-information
to collect device fault
Device monitoring
The AR500 can monitor key indexes and components such as the voltage, temperature, fan,
power supply, and card. In addition, the AR500 can send a trap if an error occurs.
5.2.2 Routing Service Fault Location
The AR500 supports the following functions to locate service faults:
Locating Ethernet interface faults
The AR500 supports interface status display, line tests, and loopback tests on interfaces.
The AR500 tests packet sending and receiving on interfaces and collects packet statistics,
which helps you locate network faults and Ethernet interface connection faults.
Network-side interface faults
The AR500 supports WAN interface tests such as ATM, OAM, and interface loopback,
which collect traffic statistics and event statistics on WAN interfaces.
Port mirroring and traffic mirroring
The AR500 supports packet mirroring on Ethernet interfaces, mirrors packets from a
network-side interface to a user-side Ethernet interface, and mirrors protocol packets sent
to the CPU.
Connection faults
The AR500 tests connections and displays the connection status on network-side interfaces,
and collects connection statistics.
5.2.3 AMI Service Fault Location
The AR500 supports the following functions to locate service faults:
Data collection fault
The AR500 detects connectivity between an AR500 and a meter. This function helps
you rapidly detect meter faults.
The AR500 queries the communication status with RS485, which helps you locate
collection channel faults.
Front end processor communication fault
The AR500 queries the status of channels between terminals and front end processors,
connection count, and statistics on received and sent packets, which helps you locate
communication faults on terminals and front end processors.
Huawei AR500 Industrial Switch Routers
Product Description
5 Maintenance and Management
Issue 01 (2013-5-10)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.