Directly behind the listener
is optimal
End table or nearest corner
placement is next best
Step 1: Unpacking
If your room does not have carpeting, unpack the MBM-12 MK2 on a throw rug or piece of
carpeting to avoid unwanted scuffing or scratching. If the MBM-12 MK2 is too heavy, please
ask for assistance. Find the top of the box and open it. Holding the flaps open, roll the box over
until it is upside-down. Lift the box off.
Stop for a moment to inspect the protective bag for any rips or tears that may have occurred
during shipping. If there is damage to the MBM-12 MK2 underneath, or if there are missing
items, notify HSU Research as soon as possible. We will help you find a solution.
Leave the protective bag on for now because it will protect the MBM-12 MK 2 when you move
it into position.
Step 2: Placement
The MBM-12 MK2 is intended to be used with a true subwoofer to provide the
best upper bass impact, lowest bass extension, and the highest headroom. Near-
field reproduction of the mid to upper bass gives you very high direct versus
reflected sound. This minimizes room effects, and gives you the tight mid/upper
bass impact headphones give. Close proximity also means high SPL for a given
input. This results in lower distortion and higher headroom. The result is effort-
less, tight, and dynamic mid to upper bass.
MBM-12 MK2 Placement
The MBM-12 MK2 should be placed as close to the listener as practical. Next-to
or directly-behind placements usually are best.
Subwoofer Placement
The low bass subwoofer is generally best placed in a front corner furthest from
openings. In normal sized rooms where the length of the room is 10 - 20 feet,
deep bass is strongest when the sub is placed in a front corner.
If you have test equipment…
If you have means to do detailed measurements of frequency response, place the
mike at the listening chair and measure the response of the MBM-12 MK2 at var-
ious practical locations near your listening chair. Place the sub in the position that
yields the smoothest response at your listening chair over the MBM-12 MK2’s
operating range.
Similarly move the true subwoofer around to determine where the bass below 50
Hz is smoothest and strongest. Place the true subwoofer at that location.
You may purchase some digital delay box to time align the MBM-12 MK2 to the
true subwoofer. If the MBM-12 MK2 is 14 ft closer to you, dial in 14 ms delay.