Touch IPC Technical Manual
Page 15
Reference Section
Default (working) BIOS settings
BIOS settings are the basic settings for the PC. The settings below are the default settings for a
Touch IPC, as supplied from HS Automatic. Normally you should not have to change these
Before you begin you have to connect a PS/2 keyboard and a VGA monitor, you cannot
perform this operation without! (as LCD screen will be inactive without bios settings)
Enter the BIOS editor:
Turn on your IPC by pressing the red button on the front.
press the delete key on your keyboard, maybe multiple
Wait until the BIOS editor is loaded.
Reset the BIOS:
Select the option:
And press Y and enter to approve.
From the factory, the BIOS has been configured to HSA values.
If you need to change boot order, you can do that now.
Close the BIOS editor
Move the cursor to
and press enter
Press Y and enter to save the new settings.