Product Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the main features of the HPE Apollo 480 Cluster platform. The
Apollo 480 Cluster is a custom configured, high performance, compute server that features high-density
computing, up to 80 processors per rack. Each rack can support up to 10 enclosures. Each enclosure will
have redundant power supplies and support either two or four independent nodes within a compute tray.
The last section of this chapter describes operating precautions. Before operating your system, familiarize
yourself with the safety information in that section.
System Features
This section describes the flexible architecture and technical features of the HPE Apollo 480 platform in
the following sections:
HPE Apollo 480 Cabinet (Rack)
The HPE Apollo 480 cabinet is a standalone 42U rack. The 42U rack can hold a variable amount of
compute, up to 40 nodes. An optional top-mounted extension is available to add room for switches or
optional full-width equipment.
Figure 1: Apollo 480 Cluster Cabinet Example
An optional 2U head node spans the width of the rack interior, see the subsection
for additional detail. The cabinet’s 24” x 48” footprint approximates that of standard floor tiles and an
optional 3U extension is available for additional head nodes, networking, or ATS equipment.
Hadoop Specialized Rack Option:
The Apollo 480 system can be optionally specialized for Hadoop Reference Implementation (RI) usage.
This version of the rack allocates 36U of space in the lower section of the cabinet. It is configured with
Apollo 480 compute enclosures. A 2U space is reserved for switch installation. The remaining 4U of
space (U39 through U42) is used for the installation of 1U full-width (full-depth) nodes. Only one Hadoop
RI rack is used in each Hadoop cluster configuration.
Product Overview