Record the bay number of each drive and then remove all drives from the disk enclosure.
Disconnect the disk enclosure from the SAS switches. Be sure to identify the which cable goes
into each switch port.
Install the drives in the new disk enclosure so they are in the same order they were in the
original disk enclosure.
Connect the disk enclosure to the SAS switches using the same ports.
Power on the disk enclosure.
Log in to the Virtual SAS Manager and verify the status of the disk enclosures and zones. If
for some reason the zoning is not correct, create a zone using all drives in the disk enclosure
and then assign the zone to the bay of the storage blade.
Power on the storage blade.
The RAID controller imports the RAID configuration from the drives and LeftHand OS metadata
mounts properly. Store and manager processes start properly using the LeftHand OS metadata.
The storage systems displays in the management group and volumes begin resynchronizing.
If either of the following issues occur, you must use the Repair Storage System feature
and reconfigure the RAID before adding the storage system to the management group. See “Using
Repair Storage System” in the HP StoreVirtual Storage User Guide or the HP StoreVirtual Storage
Online Help for more information.
The RAID controller reports cache data loss during POST or a cache corrupt event is received.
In the CMC, the Disk Setup panel shows the drives offline or the RAID Setup panel shows the
RAID status as off.
Replacing the disk enclosure