North America — Version 1 — May 24, 2002
Step 7 – Mandatory – Select Cabinet Sides
One pair of cabinet sides must be selected for the end-cabinets in each contiguous group of cabinets. The number of pairs of cabinet sides is
determined during site preparation planning.
AlphaServer SC cabinet sides, carbon black (pair)
AlphaServer SC cabinet sides for SC40 Building Blocks, Top Gun blue (pair)
Step 8 – Optional – S-Series Cabinets for AlphaServer SC20 Configurations
Cabinets are available for housing additional storage and other peripherals.
Cabinet enclosures (H9B15-ST/SU) are carbon black colored and pre-configured with trim, rear extender, one 16A Power Distribution Unit and
joiner kit
40U is the maximum space available for the enclosures listed below
Select a door kit (H9C15-SB) for each cabinet enclosure
Select cabinet sides (H9C15-ZS) for end-cabinets
AlphaServer SC 2.0-meter, 19-inch cabinet enclosure, no sides, joiner kit, carbon black,
North America
AlphaServer SC 2.0 meter, 19-inch cabinet enclosure, no sides, joiner kit, carbon black,
AlphaServer SC custom door kit, carbon black – one kit required with each cabinet
AlphaServer SC cabinet sides (pair), carbon black – one kit is required for each contiguous
set of cabinets
VIS for AlphaServer SC System Building Block – required for each cabinet which is ordered
Either Compaq Manufacturing or CustomSystems must assemble cabinets containing systems and storage. Your Account Manager will quote
for any additional integration services required for the assembly of additional equipment (included desired third party options) or racks.
Compaq staff may consult documents EK-MARQE-CN, B-IB-H9A15-3-DBM, and B-IC-H9A15-3-DBM for cabinet enclosure rules for M-Series
Step 9 – Mandatory – System Software and Documentation
The following software and documentation is provided as part of the AlphaServer SC System and does not need to be ordered separately:
Each of the ES40, ES45 or DS20L systems, as BBB or included in the CBBs, includes the Tru64 UNIX Operating System V5.1A, including base
license, unlimited license, server extension license. DS20L systems also include SMP license for second CPU.
Each IBB includes one set of Tru64 UNIX Operating System V5.1A media and documentation and one set of AlphaServer SC System Software
media and documentation. Each SC40 or SC45CBB includes an AlphaServer ES40, ES45 System Information Kit (print and CD-ROM),
Owner’s Guide, User Interface Guide, and Release Notes. Each SC20 CBB includes the DS20L User’s Guide.
Each Storage Building Block (SBB) includes two licenses each for the following:
HSG80 Array Controller Software
HSG80 Solution Software for Tru64 UNIX
StorageWorks command console UNIX agents
Advanced File System Utilities
Additional media and documentation can be ordered using the part numbers provided below (Step 9c).
All symmetric multiprocessors (nodes) in the AlphaServer SC System must be licensed for AlphaServer SC System Software, as described below. In
addition, it is recommended that all nodes be licensed for AlphaServer SC Development Software, as described below.
NOTE: Do not order UNIX TruCluster
software for the nodes.