Appendix B
• Working with Rational RequisitePro
Run the Requirements Restore Tool.
Requirements in Quality Center can
contain additional data that does not exist in corresponding requirements
in RequisitePro. When you run the new synchronization link to recreate
requirements in Quality Center, that data is absent, and needs to be restored
from the requirements you backed up.
The following data is restored by the Requirements Restore Tool to the
newly created requirements in Quality Center:
Associations between other requirements, defects, and tests. Coverage
status is then automatically updated.
Target Cycle
Target Release
The following data is
Rich text.
When you run the new Quality Center Synchronizer link, each
requirement is created with a new
Req ID
. Links to the backed up
requirements that were created using the
Copy URL
function and filters
based on the
Req ID
field will no longer work.
Quality Center fields that were not previously synchronized, such as risk
based testing fields and user-defined fields.
If you have Quality Center fields that are not synchronized by the
Quality Center Requirements Synchronizer for Rational RequisitePro,
such as risk-based testing and user-defined fields, the fields will no longer
available after restoration unless you do the following:
Before you run the full synchronization using the Quality Center
Requirements Synchronizer for Rational RequisitePro in step 1 of the
migration process (described on page 125), you need to add mappings for
these fields to the RequisitePro Synchronizer task. You map the fields in
the new Quality Center Synchronizer link you create in step 3 (described
on page 126). After the restoration process is complete, you can delete
the field mappings from your Quality Center Synchronizer link.