Installation overview
This section outlines the procedures to follow when using RIS to install Windows CCS 2003 obtained
through a Microsoft Volume Licensing program on ProLiant servers. The RIS installation procedures
referenced in this document complement the standard RIS installation procedures for Windows CCS
2003. The standard RIS installation instructions are available in the "Installing Remote Installation
Service" section of the Installing Compute Cluster instructions on the Microsoft TechCenter website
To complete a Windows CCS 2003 installation using RIS that is fully supported by HP, complete all of
the phases and steps listed below. Before beginning the installation, read the instructions for all
phases completely.
A Windows CCS 2003 installation using RIS consists of the following installation phases:
Install server hardware, racks, and cabling
Install Windows Server 2003, Compute Cluster Edition on the head node
Install and configure Microsoft Compute Cluster Pack on the head node
Configure RIS on the head node
Install Windows CCS 2003 on the compute nodes using RIS
Update other drivers manually
The instructions provided in this Integration Note are for
Windows CCS 2003 using Windows Service Pack 1 and
Compute Cluster Pack version 1. It does not include instructions
for Windows Service Pack 2 or Windows Deployment
Pre-installation tasks
To prepare for installation, ensure that the following conditions are met:
Ensure that the network topology (switches and cabling) supports RIS and Windows CCS 2003
(see the
Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 Getting Started Guide
on the Compute Cluster
Pack CD).
Install all supported server hardware (including memory, CPUs, disks, and controllers) properly.
Connect all power connections and verify functionality.
Installation procedure
Install Windows Server 2003, Compute Cluster Edition on the head
Complete the following steps to install Windows Server 2003, Compute Cluster Edition on the head
node, the server that provides management and job scheduling services to the compute cluster. For
detailed instructions on standard installations of Windows Server 2003, Compute Cluster Edition, see
the “Installing Compute Cluster Edition” section under Compute Cluster Server: Deployment at