Appendix A: Known issues and workarounds
This section provides details about the known issues with installing Windows CCS 2003 on ProLiant
servers using RIS.
Table A-1. Known issues on ProLiant servers
Issue Details
RIS only installs Windows CCS 2003.
Issue 1
The RIS process only installs the base operating system and cluster software. It is not
possible to use RIS to install other applications.
Workaround: The HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack allows you to deploy a customized
image. This allows you to configure one compute node with all of the required
software, and then deploy that image to all of the other compute nodes. More
information on HP ProLiant Essentials Rapid Deployment Pack can be found at
Downloadable driver updates (Smart Components) may not unpack properly with 64-bit Windows.
Issue 2
Some compressed driver files may not unpack properly if run on a server running
Windows CCS 2003. You may see an error indicating a valid file but for the wrong
system architecture.
Copy the compressed file to a system running a 32-bit version of Windows and
unpack it, then copy back to the 64-bit server for execution.
Issue 3 Voltaire InfiniBand drivers may not install properly.
Voltaire InfiniBand drivers may not install properly if the card has an older version of
Follow the procedures found in the Voltaire user documentation and update the
firmware on each InfiniBand card.
Issue 4 Compute nodes do not join the cluster automatically.
RIS installs the operating system successfully, but does not execute the Compute
Cluster Pack setup properly.
Change the Windows Firewall setting in the Compute Cluster Administrator using the
wizard provided in the Networking section of the To-Do List.