Form Factor
HP ProLiant e2000 G6 Chassis - 2U Chassis can support up to four DL170e server nodes in the 2U chassis.
HP ProLiant DL170e G6 Server - Half-width system board. Half-height (1U) or full-height (2U) depending
on riser option selected.
HP offers four different drive cages for the 2U HP ProLiant e2000 G6 Chassis
8 LFF HDD Cage
12 LFF HDD Cage
Available for special large volume configurations only. Contact HP representative)
16 SFF HDD Cage
24 SFF HDD Cage
The 2U chassis can support two server node configurations:
Two full height nodes
Four half-height nodes
Server Node Blanks
If a server node is removed for a period, a blank must be installed to maintain the thermal environment in
the chassis. It is okay to leave a node in the chassis powered off to be serviced in the future. But once a
DL170e node is removed for servicing, a HP DL2000 Server Node Blank Kit is required. The blank is a 1U
blank so two blanks are needed for a 2U node.
4 Node Configuration - Front View
For 2 node configurations, 2U nodes are ordered and are numbered 1 and 3. NOTE: Additional nodes
cannot be added later to 2 node configurations.
Embedded Manageability
HP ProLiant Lights-Out 100 HP Lights-Out 100 with Optional LO100 Advanced Licenses for Virtual KVM and
Virtual Media.
Standard Features:
IPMI 2.0, DCMI 1.0, and SMASH CLP support
Configuration via ROM Setup Utility or LO100cfg utility
USB 2.0 support for virtual media for much faster transfer speeds
Enhanced browser interface and embedded KVM over IP provides OS-
independent remote graphical console
24x7 Technical Support and Update (TSU) 1 year support and license
upgrades included in Advanced license
For more information, see:
HP ProLiant DL2000 Multi Node Server
Standard Features
DA - 13847 North America — Version 31 — December 13, 2013
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