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HP Indigo Division Technical Note
Proprietary and Confidential
TN Number: 601
Date: 25 June 02
Author: Meir Kormian
hp indigo press s2000
hp indigo press s2000 release
1. Purpose
This Technical Note announces the release of the hp indigo press s2000
and details the difference between Omnius MultiStream and s2000.
2. Background
The hp indigo press s2000 includes the following new features:
Image Tracking Technology (ITT):
Image Tracking Technology is a new laser head writing capability that
allows the imaging lasers to precisely lock onto the surface motion of the
Photo Imaging Plate (PIP). Using a new encoder, the PIP is constantly
monitored to provide closed loop control of the writing head imaging.
Baldor with RS232 interface (P/N EAS-1109-51):
Baldor motor control unit with RS232 interface to support vertical
scaling procedure, the Baldor parameters are different from MultiStream
and hp indigo press 1000 . Refer to the attached document to view the
new Baldor parameters. The RS232 cable is connected to W430 cable
(P/N EHE-1430-51), the other side of W430 cable is connected to:
For hp PCs: J9 on the EPU.
For Motorola PCs: J8 on the UCB.
The Baldor has a new configuration:
SystabEditor>engineConfigTopic>baldorlftype>select: HT_VER2