#To create an aggregation group follow these steps:
# 1. Create the link-aggregation interface
# a)interface Bridge-Aggregation X (where X is a number)
# b) port link-type trunk
# c) port trunk permit vlan 1 102 1001
# d) port trunk pvid vlan 1001
# e) link-aggregation mode dynamic
# 2. Associate each of the member ports
# a)interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1
# b)port link-aggregation group X
# c)interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/2
# d)port link-aggregation group X
# 3. Make final settings on the link-aggregation interface
# a)interface Bridge-Aggregation X
# b)port link-type trunk
# c)port trunk permit vlan 1 1001 4001 - use the vlans that were
# d)port trunk pvid vlan 1001
interface Bridge-Aggregation1
description Uplink to LAN
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan 1 4001
port trunk pvid vlan 1001
link-aggregation mode dynamic
interface Ten-GigabitEthernet 1/0/1
port link-mode bridge
port link-type trunk
port trunk permit vlan 1 1001 4001
port trunk pvid vlan 1001
priority-flow-control auto
priority-flow-control no-drop dot1p 3
HP FlexFabric 5900CP switch configuration file