In standalone mode:
The standby MPU always uses the same current startup configuration file as the active MPU. After an
active/standby switchover, it is normal that the current startup configuration files on them are displayed
as NULL, because the new active MPU continues to run with the running configuration rather than
rebooting with the previous current startup configuration file.
In IRF mode:
The standby MPUs in the IRF fabric always use the same current startup configuration file as the global
active MPU. After an active/standby switchover, it is normal that the current startup configuration files on
them are displayed as NULL, because the new global active MPU continues to run with the running
configuration rather than rebooting with the previous current startup configuration file.
# (In standalone mode.) Display startup configuration files.
<Sysname> display startup
Current startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg
Next main startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg
Next backup startup saved-configuration file: NULL
Slot 16:
Current startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg
Next main startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg
Next backup startup saved-configuration file: NULL
Table 20
Command output
Field Description
Displays the startup configuration files on the active MPU.
Current startup saved-configuration file
Configuration file that the active MPU has started up with.
Next main startup saved-configuration file
Primary startup configuration file to be used at the next startup.
Next backup startup saved-configuration file
Backup startup configuration file to be used at the next startup.
Displays the startup configuration files on the standby MPU in
# (In IRF mode.) Display startup configuration files.
<Sysname> display startup
Current startup saved-configuration file: NULL
Next main startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg
Next backup startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup2.cfg
Chassis 2 Slot 16:
Current startup saved-configuration file: NULL
Next main startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup.cfg
Next backup startup saved-configuration file: flash:/startup2.cfg