Firmware, Add-ons, and Printer Installation Guide for Compaq T1000xT1010 Thin Client Products Installation Guide
3. At the DOS prompt, type: C:\(Directory)\Tformat X: /S:C:\(Directory)\(Filename.xxx).
The firmware is downloaded to the flash card.
4. Stop services on the flash card when it is completed, and then remove the card.
To Install Firmware Upgrade on T1000/T1010:
From the T1000/T1010:
1. Power OFF the T1000/T1010.
2. Insert the newly created flash card in the PCMCIA slot.
3. Turn on the T1000/T1010.
T1000/T1010 writes to flash.
Firmware upgrade done.
4. Power OFF the T1000/T1010, and take the flash card out.
5. Turn ON the T1000/T1010. T1000/T1010 is now set to defaults, with the new firmware
6. Configure the T1000/T1010 with settings for your network.
Use a 4-MB Centennial Linear Flash PC Card (Centennial part# FL04M-20-11119-03) or
an 8-MB Centennial Linear Flash PC Card (Centennial part# FL08M-20-11119-03).
The Tformat.exe program is on the Windows 98 CD. This Tformat.exe allows you to write files
to a flash card.
Add-on Installation
Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000 Server
TCP/IP services installed
SNMP services installed
Thin Client Manager (TCM) installed
Firmware files loaded on server
To Set Up TCM Add-On:
T1000/T1010 Thin Clients should be powered ON and connected to the
From the Windows NT 4.0/Windows 2000 Server:
1. Start Thin Client Manager.
2. Select
Download Firmware
3. Download/Upgrade