RTR Server Types
Concurrent server
concurrent server
is an additional instance of a server
application running on the same node. RTR delivers transactions
to a free server from the pool of concurrent servers. If one
server fails, the transaction in process is replayed to another
server in the concurrent pool. Concurrent servers are designed
primarily to increase throughput and can exploit Symmetric
Multiprocessing (SMP) systems. Figure 1–16, Concurrent
Servers, illustrates the use of concurrent servers sending
transactions to the same partition on a backend, the partition
Concurrent servers allow transactions to be processed in
parallel to increase throughput. Concurrent servers deal with
the same database partition, and may be implemented as
multiple channels within a single process or as one channel in
separate processes. The application designer must determine
if transactions can be processed concurrently by the database
or server application. Deadlocks can occur if every transaction
competes for the same database lock outside the RTR server
Figure 1–16 Concurrent Servers
Server 1
Server 2
Server 3
Server 4
A - N
Partitioned Disks
Introduction 1–21