Configuring load sharing criteria for IRF links
Determine how traffic is load-shared among members by configuring load sharing crite
If you configure the load sharing criteria in system view, the configuration is effective
If you configure load sharing criteria in IRF port view, the configuration is effective for
An IRF port preferentially uses the port-specific load sharing criteria. If no port-specif
criteria is available, it uses the global load sharing criteria.
does not support the criterion.
Before configuring the load sharing criteria, bind IRF ports to corresponding physical IRF po
load sharing criterion configuration fails.
Configuring global load sharing criteria
Follow these steps to configure the global IRF link load sharing criteria:
Configure the global IRF link load
sharing criteria
By default, the gl
load sharing crite
or destination MA
for Layer 2 packe
destination port n
Layer 4 packets.
Configuring port-specific load sharing criteria
Follow these steps to configure the port-specific load sharing criteria:
Configure the port-specific load
sharing criteria
By default, the po
sharing criteria a
destination MAC
Layer 2 packets,