HP 5528A Скачать руководство пользователя страница 2

Содержание 5528A

Страница 1: ...5528A Laser Measurement System User s Guide r i HEWLETT t JII PACKARD ...

Страница 2: ...ware and firmware del ignated by HP for u e with iln instrument will erecule ils programming inSlrucllom when properly installed on that instrumenl HP does no waHiiml thai the operation of the Instrument or software or firmwuc will be uninterrupted or error free LIMITATION Of WARRANTY The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper or inadequate maintenance by Buyer Buyer...

Страница 3: ...rcial and internal corporate purposes is hereby granted free of charge Any redistribution of this documentation or its derivates must include this copyright notice You may not sell this documentation or its derivations without written consent You may modify this documentation as necessary but you may not sell derivative works based on it You may include this documentation with the equipment hardwa...

Страница 4: ...Verso Filler Page ...

Страница 5: ...mperature Sensors Tripod Footspaci n Kit linear Interferometer linear RetrorefleclOr Angular Interferometer Angular Reflector Turning Mirror Flatness Mirror Short Range Straightness Oplics Long Range Straightness Optics Straightness Accessory Kit Optica l Square Base Ieight Adjuster and 1 0SI linear Measurement Kit Angul H Optics Flatness Accessory Kit Straightness Measurement Kit HEWLETI PACKAAO ...

Страница 6: ...operaTive and be secured against any unintended opera tion If thiS instrument Is to be energlled VUt an autotranslormer lor voltage reduChon make sure the common tarmlnalls connected to the n811tral earthed pole 01the powel source Servicing instructions IIe lor use by servlctl trarned person net only To aVOid dangerous electnc shock do not perform any serviCing unless qualified to do so Adjustment...


Страница 8: ...unications It has been tested and found to comply wilh Ihe limits for Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interference when operated in a commercial environ ment Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause inter ference in which case the user at his own expense will be requi...

Страница 9: ...ER HEAD 2 8 10751 AIR SENSOR AND 10757 MATERIAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR 2 11 OPERATION 2 12 Physical Setup 2 12 Interconnection and Turn On 2 13 Assenlbly of Optics 2 14 Installation and Align men t of Optics 2 15 MakinK the Mea urcnlent _ 2 19 Making an Angular Measurement 2 24 SECTION 1 MEASUREMENT PROCEOURES SUMMARY OPERATING PROCEDURES REFERENCE MATERIAL _ MISCELLANEOUS NOTES SECTION 4 PHYSICAL SET...

Страница 10: ...17 MEASUREMENT DISPLAY SmINGS SENSOR USE 6 17 Selecting Measurement Units 6 17 Using Sensors 6 6 Measu rement Display Settings With Sensors 6 20 Measurement Display Setti ngs Without Sensors 6 21 MAKING A MEASUREMENT 6 23 Systern Checks 6 23 Procedu re 6 23 WHAT AFFECTS ACCURACY 6 23 Distance Measurement Error Sources 6 24 Velocity of light Compensation 6 24 Material Temperature Measurement 6 25 M...

Страница 11: ...lrcngth 8 13 Measurements along a Perpendicular Axis 8 1 3 Olher Mounting Requirements 8 1 3 MEASUREMENT DISPLAY SETIINGS _ 8 16 Measurenlent Units _ 6 16 Mea uremcnt Mode Keys 8 16 ct Up Keys _ 6 1 7 MAKING A MEASUREMENT 6 17 System Checks 6 17 Procedures 8 17 WHAT AFfECTS ACCURACY 8 18 Lolse SYSTem Error Sources 8 18 Minimizing Errors and Required laser System Accuracy 8 1 9 SECTION 9 FLATNESS M...

Страница 12: ...or Sources 10 22 Strai ghtness Reflector Mirrors 10 22 Misalignment between Machine Travel and the Laser Measurement Axi Slope 10 23 Environmental Errors 10 24 SECTION 11 STRAIGHTNESS MEASUREMENTS USING THE STRAIGHTNESS RETROREFLECTOR 11 1 CONTENTS 11 IN T RODUCTION 11 1 OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS 11 2 HARDWARE REQUIRED 11 3 RELATED MEASUREMENTS 11 5 REFERENCE MATERIAL 11 5 INSTALLATION AND ALIGNMEN...

Страница 13: ...e Optics Travel Path 12 16 Manual Rernoval of Slope 12 16 Measurement Display Sellings 12 16 Making a Measurement 12 16 System Checks 12 16 Procedure 12 17 What Affects Accuracyl 12 17 SECOND AXIS MEASUREMENT IHorizontal Atis 12 17 Installation and Alignment of Oplic 12 17 Procedure 12 17 final Adjustments After AligninSl 12 17 CheckIng Alignment for Beam SIrenS1h 12 19 CheckIng for Mis Alignmeni ...

Страница 14: ...LLELISM MEASUREMENTS 14 1 CONTENTS 1 4 INTRODUCTION 4 HARDWARE REQUIRED 4 REfERENCE MATERIAL 14 LINEAR PARALLELISM MEASUREMENTS 14 1 First Axis Measurement 14 2 Installation and AIi nment of Optics 14 2 M easuremenl DisplaySellings 14 2 M aking a Measurement 4 2 System Checks _ _ 14 2 Procedure 14 2 Second Axis MeaSllrement 14 2 Installation and Ali gnment of Optics 14 2 Measurement Display Sellin...

Страница 15: ...9 Entering a Preset Number 16 9 Viewing a Preset Number 16 9 More Aoout the Miltl Temp Key 16 10 To Display the Material Temperature 16 10 To Enter a Material Temperature I 16 11 More About the V O l Key o 0 16 1 To View the Current V Ool Compensation Number 0 0 16 12 T o Enlf r a V O L Compensation Number 0 0 0 16 12 More Information About the Resol Key 0 16 13 To Display the R esolution Value 0 ...

Страница 16: ...INTRODUCTION 21 1 ALCULATION or StOPE 21 1 End PoInt Ht Method 0 21 1 LEAST SQUARES FIT METHOD 21 CALCULATIONOF SQUARENESS 21 6 Squareness Sign Convention 0 0 0 21 8 lktermlning Sign Convention 0 21 8 APPENDIX A PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION 0 A l CONTENTS A 1 INTRODUC IION A 1 HARDWARE DESCRIPTIONS A l 5S08A MCdSUrf Hlcnt Di play A l 5S18A La er Head 0 A 2 10751 Air Sensor A 2 10757 Material SenSor A J...

Страница 17: ...or 2 15 Figure 2 10 Positioning of OptiC i and laser Head 2 16 Figure 2 11 Interferometer and RClrorcflcClor wilh Targets 2 17 Figure 2 12 Air Sensor Temperilture Reading 2 2 1 Figure 2 13 Air Sensor Pressure Reading 2 21 Fi8ure 2 14 Air Sensor Humidity Reading 2 22 Figure 2 15 Material Temperature Sensor Reading 2 22 Figure 4 1 Hardware Required for all Measurements 4 2 Figure 4 2 Installing the ...

Страница 18: ...ning of O ptiCS for Yaw Mea urernenlS 8 15 Figure 9 1 Hardware Required for any FI3tness Measurement 9 3 Figure 9 2 I n stallin the Angular Interferometer 9 5 Figure 9 3 Inst alling the Angular Reftector 9 5 Figure 9 4 Grid Map of Surface Plate 9 6 Figure 9 5 local ion of la er Head 9 7 Figure 9 6 Positioning of Optics for Fi rst M easurement Line 9 7 Figure 9 7 Positioning Optics for Each Measure...

Страница 19: ...ts on the Optical Square 13 14 Figure 13 10 Two dols on the Reflector 13 15 figure 13 11 Resuh of Vertical Motion Adju tmef1t to the Straishtness Rcflector 13 16 Figure H 12 Second axis Positioning of the Optics 13 19 figure 14 1 Unear Parallelism Divergenl Axes 14 4 Fi ule 14 2 linear Pttrallelism Parallel A CS 14 5 figurp 14 Rotation 11 Parallelism Measuremcnts 14 6 Figur 15 1 Gunsight Alignment...

Страница 20: ...84 LIST OF TABLES Table 1 5526A Hardware versus Measurement 1 4 Table 1 2 Hardware list Descriptions 1 5 Table 3 1 Operating Procedures Summary 3 1 Table 3 2 Guide to Refercnce Matcrial 3 2 Table 4 1 Measurement verSllS Setup Axis 4 9 Table 9 1 Accuracy Term 9 1 Table 15 1 Summary or Alignment Methods 15 1 Table 16 1 Preset Key runctions Dc aul Values and Ranges 16 9 Table 17 1 laser Measurement S...

Страница 21: ...d Temp High Humidi ty 19 31 Table 19 27 Metric ligh AIt High Mid Temp High Humidity _ 19 32 Table 19 26 English Wide Range 19 33 Table 19 29 English low Alt Low Temp Low Humidify _ 1 9 34 Table 19 30 English low Alt low Mid lemp low Humidity 19 35 Table 19 31 English low All Mid Temp low Humidity 19 36 Table 19 32 En lish l ow All High Mid Temp low t tumidity 19 37 Table 19 33 English High Alt low...

Страница 22: ......

Страница 23: ...u ll probably wiln to refer to again and again yellow labs III REFERENCE MATERiAL more how to information that expands on some of rhe information In the Operating ProC dw f s also some general information about the laser Mca utcmenl System light ambel tdb 1 IV APP NDICES miscellaneous information you ll need to fefcr to hom time to time but which is not nc c oSarIly related 10 specific operating p...

Страница 24: ...ring at the laser light or bright reflections of 11 1 Remember that the laser Mealiurement System 15 operated from power line voltages Take care to be sure that all its cables are always in good condition no short circuits damaged insulation etc and that they are routed where they will not be damaged by equipment or people Also be careful In routing the cables that they wUI not cau people to trip ...

Страница 25: ...until you have recollnected all cables Is your setup correctly ali nedl Repeill 111 appropriate allgnmenl procedurc giver ill Ihis User s Guide for youl SCIUIJ WHAT MEASUREMENTS CAN THE SS28A MAKB The laser Measurement System is a portable lightweight measuring system th01 Ciln make the followinH measurcmcnl5 Distance Velocity Angular displacement Flatness Straightness Squarene Parallelism WHAT EQ...

Страница 26: ...BA 5518A 10753A 10759A 10766A 10767A 10n OA 10771A 10772A 10773A 10774A l0775A 10776A 10777A 10784A 10765A 10786A l0787A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 107S1A B 1 107Si AlB C 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES NOTE See Table 1 2 for descriptions ...

Страница 27: ...0770 Angular Interferometer 10771A Angular Reflector 1077JA Flatness Mirror 10774A Straishtness Interferometer and Reflector Short Range 10nSA Straightness Interferometer and RefieClor Long Range 10776A Straightness Accessory Kit 10n7A Optical Square 10784A Base 1078SA Height Adjuster Post 10766A Linear Angular Case 10787A Sttaightness Squareness Case FOR MORE INFO SEE SECTION 2 5 16 17 A 2 4 5 16...

Страница 28: ...urement receiver Inlo which Ihebcam is returned by Ihe measurement Optics Optics Optic accessories arc required to allow the laser Measurement System to nlolke measurements The basic sets of Optics available for making specific measurements are Distance Mca iurement Optic Angular Measurement Optics and Straightness Measurement Optics Distance Optics The Distance Measurement Optics Indud 10766A Int...

Страница 29: ...Straightness verllcal Straightness and Squarcncss Jnd Parallelism between two dXes Mounting Hardware When ch ckin8 machine tools the primary applicatIOn o the lillier Mcasur fn nt Syslcm 1t is imporlan to look al how the machine behaves while performing ils unction be it CUlling grinding or whatever To do Ihis the calibration process must simulate as closely d5 possible the actual working conditio...

Страница 30: ...Verso Filler Page ...


Страница 32: ...r MC I uremenl System and 2 Allow you to make some aClOal measurements and le rn how to use this User s Guide 5508A MEASUREMENT DISPLAY The 5508A MeasuremerH Display Provides the power 10 operate the 55181 I er Head onvens measurement information receivcd from the Laser Head InlO a number Ihat represents a unit of length or seconds 0 arc of an angle Provides the ontrol and display interface for th...

Страница 33: ... calibration numbers different resolutions smoothed data and different sign convcntions A concise description of cach of the Measurement Display unit s fronl panel indicatorsand keys follows See Section 16 for a more complete explanation of all indicators and connectors I IIAOCHIHUI 00000 lo G _ 100880 600080 Figure 2 1 Mcasuremctl Display Un 1 Front Panel I 2 3 ...

Страница 34: ...ANOLE RESET Key Erases Olll measurement dala taken up 10 the time It wa pressed Releases Laser Measurement Syslcm from HP IIJ comrol if il Wd operating under HP IB control Clear error message If one is being displayed Kelurns Laser MeaSurement System to most recently chosen mcasurcm rll mode NOTE The RESET key cleOlI s only Ihl measurement data A vatuI entered via an ENTRY key will nol be ch3nged ...

Страница 35: ...ll TEMP Key Causes material temperature values to be displayed can be used to enler a material temperature value to be entered manually if no Material TemperalUre Sensor is connected V O l Key The V O l key can be used to display the velocity of light compensation number and the air characteristics It can also be used to enter a velocity of light compensation number if an air sensor is not attache...

Страница 36: ...o measurement informaTion is 1051 when entering numbers inlo the Measurement Display Rear Panel The Measurement Display unil s rear panel is shown in Figure 2 2 It is Importilnt to nole the position of the ENGLISH METRIC switch This switch chant e i the displayed measurement on the front panel from miHlmetres 10 Inches or vice VPfsa ...

Страница 37: ...er Head 5 ENGLISH METRIC Switch Determines the units o f measurements either English inches degrees F or Metric millimetres degrees C 6 IEEE STD 488 PORT Connector Connecting point or HP IB cable s if used HP IA is a Hewlett Packard implementation of the IEEE 468 Standard Interface It is used to connect other equipment to the Measurement Display unit 7 POWER LINE Module Connecting point for line p...

Страница 38: ... used in making measurements The Laser Head also contains the receiver into which the beam is returned from the measurement optics Look al the laser Head and referring to Figtlre 2 3 and Figure 2 4 familiarize yourself with the front and rear panels This information is also shown in Section 16 for your reference ...

Страница 39: ...D FROM THIS PORT DO NOT STARE INTO HIE BEAM 4 LASER RETURN PORT Destination of laser return beam for Distance Velocity and Angular measurements 5 APERTURE CONTROLS These are located behind both ports in the turret The Exit Port s aperture control has three positions large opening small opening and closed The Return Port s shutter has two positions open and closed which displays a target used for a...

Страница 40: ...SER ON indicator 2 The READY light showsyou when the lasel isready to make measurements At power up the laser tube beginsa tuning cycle to stabilize itsreference frequency Halfway through the stabilization cycle READY will slar flashing when thecycle hascompleted READY will be lighted steadily 3 The MEASUREMENT DISPLAY connector is the connecting point for the cable from the M easurement Display u...

Страница 41: ... that includes Ihe calculated velocity of light compensaTion thereby correcting for any difference between the current velocity of light In air and the velocity of light in a vacuum Why Measure Material Temperature The most signiricant source of error in machine tool distance measurements is the effect of temperature on Ihe machine 1001 By compensating for material temperature you adjust the actua...

Страница 42: ...the laser Head o n a table In actual pnlctice you would attach the laser Head to the Tripod using instructions given in Section 4 For simplicity s sake we want you to establish a special measurement axis rather than try to actually measure a machine 2 Remove Figure 2 5 Template for Initial Set up from this User s Guide and fit it under the laser Head in the appropriately marked place This willserv...

Страница 43: ...ERFEROMETER ASSEMBLY RETROREFlECTOR ASSEMBLY INCHES MILLIMETRES 20 I 1 I 40 I Mode l 5528A First Look 2 I 60 I r I I I PLACE STRAIGHTEDGE ON THIS LINE I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I Figure 2 5 Templare or Initial Set Up 2 12A ...

Страница 44: ... 9 IN I9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 I IMIN 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 CD s t I U I 1 W I 1 y I I aa 1 bb 1 cc DlUANCI Vlloc n ANOll lOHO IHOIIT QI ANCl YUOCln ANOLI ITIIAIOHTNII LONO HOIIT DlIUNCI YllOCITV ANOll I1I1AIOHTNU 0B C J LOHO HOIIT OIIUHCI YILOClfV AHGU fIIIAIGHTHIIl 000 00 lOHO l HOIIT OI AHCI YllOCITY AIIOU LOHO HOIIT PA S S 1 PAS S 2 PAS S 3 PAS S 4 CAL A II one 01the lour tests lails it will be show...

Страница 45: ...ll knurled screws included with the Retroreflector 2 Make sure that the head of one arrow on the Interferometer s label points toward the Relroreflcctor as shown in Figure 2 7 3 Sec ASSEMBLY OF OPTICS information in Section 6 for more details 10767A LINEAR RETROREFLECTOR 10766A LINEAR INTERFEROMETER Figure 2 7 A55embly of In crferomeler ...

Страница 46: ... Optic requires al least one Post and Height Adjuster Attach the Height Adjuster to the side of the Inlcrferomeler as shown in Figure 2 8 and then slide the Height Adjuster over a Post supported by a lase TABLE MOUNTING 10767A LINEAR RETROAEFlECTOA LASER BEAM o o SIDE VIEW FRONT view Figure 2 8 Mounting of Interferometer Do the same for the Rctroreflector as shown in Figure 2 9 TABLE MOUNTING 1076...

Страница 47: ...efer to Figure 2 11 and al1ach the target to the Interferometer such that the hole in the Interferometer s target is above the target s crosshair and the target is positioned squarely on the Interferometer covering the opening facing the laser Head Use your fingers to line up the edges of the target with the bottom and side edges of the Interferometer 3 Attach the target to the Retroreflector see ...

Страница 48: ...select the small aperture 5 Move the Interferometer up or down after loosening the Height Adjuster s Il Irge knob or move the Base back and forth until he laser Beam passes through the hole in the Interferometer s target 6 Move the RetrorefleCior in the same way until the laser Beam is centered on the crosshair on the Retroreflector s target 7 Remove the targets from both OptiCS You should see two...

Страница 49: ...never you see the beam being clipped by the laser Head s return port i e Any part of the beam that does not enter the return pori is lost as far as contributing to the measurement 14 Move the Retroreflector over the full length of the pattern shown on the template that was provided as Figure 2 5 NOTE Be sure to keep the Retroreflector s base flush against the straightedge as you do this Watch the ...

Страница 50: ...y unit for Distance mode b Set the rcar panel ENGlI51 1 MlTRIC switch 0 METRIC so the display will read in mm c Press RESET J Move the Retrorerieclor 20 mm 0 80 inch along the straightedge to the 20 mm mark on the template provided as Figure 2 5 Note the reading on the display 4 Specify five digit display resolution by pressing RESO Note how much more frequently the last digit changes Keep the sam...

Страница 51: ...error Pressing the same SET UP key again will cause the limit value for that direction to be displayed If you are willing to accept the limit value just press the same SET UP key 3gain Specify four digit display resolution by pressing AESOL 5 Establish a 5 mm PRESET value by pressing 6 tAESEJ The Measurement Display will now show a number 5 rnrn larger si nce PRESET adds in this measurement mode p...

Страница 52: ...e temperature is displayed in degrees Fahrenheil When the switch isin the METRI C position the temperature is displayed in degrees Celsius See Figure 2 12 Figure 2 12 Air Sensor Temperature Reading If the Air Sensor is connected press the V O L key again 8 The atmospheric pressure is displayed in either ir chcs or millimetres of mercury depending on the setting of the ENGLISH METRIC switch See Fig...

Страница 53: ...key again will display the reading frorn material temperature sensor 1 0 2 or 3 The 1 tells you this is sensor 1 The 1 would be replaced by a 2 or a 3 if a sensor was plugged into MATERIAl TEMPERATURE connector 2 or 3 respectively If more than one material temperature sensor is plugged inlo the Measurement Display unit repeated pressing of the MATl TEMP key will successively displ3Y the readings f...

Страница 54: ... O l compensation value by about 100 by pressing Write down the new reading Model 5528A First Look The difference between this reading and the value you wrote for step 13 shows the imporlance of having and using the correct V D l compensation number 16 Display the Material Temperature value by pressing MATl TEMP The display should show the default value 2QoC or 68 F 17 Display the expansion coeffi...

Страница 55: ...lowing keys RESO j U Resolution wi ll now be five places instead of four Material Temperature will now be 75 97D F The expansion coefficient will now be 55 6 times 10 e inch degree F Making an Angular Measurement 1 Replace the linear Retroreflector with the Angular Refledor by unscrewing the two long screws on the Height Adjuster Position the Angular Reflector so itslabel ison top and its Retroref...

Страница 56: ... for one measurement to those required for another 4 Prcss ANGLE 5 Press RESET You arc now ready to make an Angular measurement 6 Tilt the rear of thc Angular Reflector s base up slightly and watch the display The values shown will be in arcseconds One arcsecond equals 1 3600 of a degree 7 Press the PRESET and RESOlution keys as you did for thc Distance measurement and note the differences tRESE T...

Страница 57: ......

Страница 58: ...urement and where to lurn in this User s Guide to find the instructions for that step Table 3 1 Operating Procedures Summary SEC STEP USER S CUIDE SECTION NAME NO 1 AU3Ch laser Head to Tripod and PHYSICAL SET UP Of THE LASER I IEAD 4 position il ANI TRIPOD 2 Interconnect System and turn INTERCONNECTIONS TURN ON 5 it on 3 Assemble Optics Distance only NOTP 6 Instructions for steps 3 through 7 arc 4...

Страница 59: ...r Messages 17 HP IB Information 16 V O L Compensation Factor 19 Operator Maintenance 20 Straightness and Squarenes5 Considerations 21 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES Some things to keep in mind when you make measurements are 1 Keep the Laser Head level or square relative to the Optics By levelling the laser Head as described in Section 4 and by installing and aligning the OptiCS as described in each measureme...

Страница 60: ...rews have been provided The Tripod s controls allow easy adjusting of the Laser Head s position to help you align for each measurement while providing rigidity and an insta llation position away from thtl measurement surface For hardware used for a spedfic measurement see the section of this User s Guide thaI describes the measurement INSTALLING THE LASER HEAD ON THE TRIPOD The numbers of the slep...

Страница 61: ... ODonoo nno 000000 DOD oooom _ _ MODEL SSOIA MODEL 10753 LI Vl lING fOOT AND NUT I 1 MODEL 551 1 ____ 55 IA LASI R HEAD b CAP SCREWS 114 511 q 1 MOUNTING PLATE i aCAP SCAEWS IMI US _ 11 UTAA PROV DED e o LID om SO 0 0 TA POD figure 4 1 Hardware RC l uirerl for a l MCilHlremenfS 4 2 Series 2704A Jan 87 ...

Страница 62: ...EP 5 STEP 3 STEP 1 M odel 5528A Physical Set Up of the laser Head and Tripod CAPTIVE SET SCREW STEP 2 r r ACCESS HOLE IN TRIPOD COLLAR ALLEN WRIENCH Figure 4 2 Installing rhe Laser Head on rhe Tripod 4 3 ...

Страница 63: ... screws provided with the laser Head screwed upward through the Mounting Plate holes into the laser Head s front feet LASER HEAD AND TRIPOD POSITIONING CONTROLS Every measurement you make using the Tripod requires translational and turning movementsof the laser Head You will use these adjustments often so you should become familiar with them now The various Tripod adjustments and locks are shown i...

Страница 64: ... 3 l ock the Horizontal Rotation Coa rse Adjustment lock lever on the Tripod For fine adjustment Turn the Horizontal Rotation Fine Adjust knob o n the miniature Cross Slide Assemblyat the rear of the Mounting Plate The re is no lock for this assembly HORI ZONTAL TRANSLATION CRANK VERTICAL MOTION LOCK LEVelLING FOOT HORIZONTAL ROTATION FINE ADJUST HORIZONTAL ROTATION COARSE ADJ LOCK LEVER VERTICAL ...

Страница 65: ...ADJUSTMENTS If the Cross Slide s side to side movement Is 100 tight or too loose adjust the threeslotted screws on the side of the Cross Slide First tighten the screws then back off lI8 turn and lighten the nuts The screws push 3 gib against the ways 10 remove any undesired motion If the Cross Slide s rotational movement is 1 00 tight or 100 loose aft er the rotational lock is released use a liB i...

Страница 66: ... You can make all l aser System measuremCnlS for three different axes from only two set upsof the l aser Head These set ups are pictured in Figure 4 5 Table 4 1 shows which measurements can be made with the laser Head set up in the two positions shown in Figure 4 5 These measurements arc easily made rom these two setups since 1 All the Optics have been designed around a common centerline allowing ...

Страница 67: ...Model 5528A Physical Set Up of the laser Head and Tripod 4 8 1 Sel up along the bed 01 the m ehlne 2 Set up Into the machine z y z v____ Figure 4 5 Positioning Tripod and Laser ...

Страница 68: ...only Y axis Y axis only Z axis X axis or Y axis Hori zontal X axis X axis only Y axis Y axis only Z axis X axis or Y axis Squareness X vs Y X axis or V axis X vs Z X axis on ly V vs Z V axis only LEVElliNG THE LASER HEAD Positioning one les of the Tripod in line with the laser beam will usually make It easier 10 levellhe baseplate Adiust leg lengths unlil the baseplate is level as indicated by the...

Страница 69: ......

Страница 70: ...r performing an Incoming inspection on it we recommend that you refer to the S528A s Service Manual for all the information you need including connection information SAFETY INFORMATION WARNING BEFORE THE INSTRUMENT IS SWITCHED ON ALL PROTECTIVE EARTH TERMINALS EXTENSION CORDS AUTO TRANS FORMER AND DEVICES CONNECTED TO IT SHOULD BE CON NECTED TO A PROTECTIVE EARTH GROUNDED SOCKET ANY INTERRUPTION O...

Страница 71: ...r one of them 10 the mating connector on the rcar of the laser Head and the other one 10 the matins connector on Ihe rear of the Measurement Display unit see Figure 5 1 The connectors on this cable and Iheir mating connectors on the Measurement Display unit and the laser I lead are keyed so they will go together in only one way The connectors normally are quite easy to connect and should not be fo...

Страница 72: ...04A Jan 87 We REAR OF MEASUREMENT DISPLAY _ _ _ _It l _ REAR OF LASER HEAD Model 5528A Inl f OnnCCT ions TUln On HP 1079lA B C LASER HEAD CABLE Figure 5 1 Connectl lg the Laser Head 10 the Measurement Display s ...

Страница 73: ...r has a mark molded into it that will be up when the connections are correctly made The cable s connector includes a locking ring to lock the cable 10 the mating connector on the unit When you have connected the cable to its mating connector turn the locking ring about 1 3 turn clockwise to lock the two connectors together Ihis will kl ep Ihe cable from accidentally comir 8 loose You will feel the...

Страница 74: ...10757C MATERIAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR 10751 AIR SENSOR Model 5528A Interconnections Turn O n Figure 5 2 Connecting Sensors fo file Measuremen Display 5 5 ...

Страница 75: ...the unit When you have connected the cable to its maling connector turn the locking ring abouI1I3 turn clockwise to lock the two connectors together Ihis will keep the cable from accidentally corning loose You will feel the J ocking action as you turn the locking ring CAUTION To prevenl possible damilge to Ihe Measurement DlspJil unll be sure you IUrn the line power off before connecting or dlscon...

Страница 76: ... W Model 5528A Interconnections Turn On Figure 5 3 Connecting thc Remote Control Box to the MCOJsuremen Display 5 7 ...

Страница 77: ...em togcther using one or two HP I IJ cables Figure 5 4 shows where the HP I B connector islocaled on the Measurement Display unit s rear panel If you cannot find the I I P tB connector on your I IPPersonal Computer or Plotter and have not been able 10 find Ihe required location information in their respective Operating Manuals contad your local Hcwletl Packard Sales and Service Office for assistan...

Страница 78: ...528A Interconnections Turn On The HP IB ceble aUaches to this connecter Note Black screws are melric allver lerewa are english The display requires melrlc conneclor acrewa I I t Figure 5 4 HP IB Connections 5 9 ...

Страница 79: ...ny optional line powered equipment such as an HP Personal Computer be sure this equipment is ako correctly set up to operate from the line voftige iViililbie it your silc Assuming thai you have followed the instructions presented so far in this User s Guide section and that your Measurement Display unit is correctly set for the line voltage al yOur site and is connected to the laser Head and any o...

Страница 80: ...onnectio ns Turn On SELECTION OF OPERATING VOLTAGE 1 01 41 cover door and Olal l fuse pull 10 lalt 2 Stlec operl1no vol bv oflenllng PC oo rd 10 poIliion desired volt gO on lOp ifill 110 Push board firmly 11 110 module alO 3 ROI lll fuH pull back Into no m 1 polilion 111 1 r lnl l 1 ruse In hOide Ing clulloo 10 lelect comiC I v l The hlgtlcsi The filing ul line voltage the line ruse you can use yu...

Страница 81: ...Press the ON side of the Measurement Display unit s front panel LINEswitch to turn on the laser Measurement System Measurement Display unit and laser Head Other units such as an HP Personal Computer and Plotter thai may be connected to the Laser Measurement System must be turned on via their own power or line switches At turn on the Measurement Display unit immediately performs a series of self te...

Страница 82: ...s made by measuring the change in position of one of the Optics whi le the other Optic is held stationary See Appendix A for a description of the principles on which this measurement is based OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy Resolution Distance measurements are accurate within the following tolerances depending on the velocity of light compensation method and operating temperature Values shown ap...

Страница 83: ...till tuning I I H DII h I 99 1 When tho laser IS tuned and the beam Is bein returned to the receiver porT W I DI IANel VtlDCIlW N O LI III O H 1N U on the 518A the display will flash 1 1 I 0 G B G B IIDIIT L S E U P p 1 If the laser is tuned and the beam is nOI being returned to the receiver the I 1 P S S display Will show k 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 P S S 2 P A E 0 I I I hh II alter ten minutes 160...

Страница 84: ......

Страница 85: ...n 2Temperature of II sysT em components ar e stabili zed n y w here with in the tempenture ranlle shown 3107511 B mounted In recommended orientation 12 month calibra tion Interval used Humidity switch set to posl ion clo s tto actual humidity If humidity switch set 10 50 to lerancc are 1 75 ppm at 200 e 2 00 ppm at 15 25 e and 3 70 ppm at 0 40 C If 10751A 6 mounted incorrectly add 2 ppm HARDWARE R...

Страница 86: ...0785A POST AND HEIGHT ADJUSTER 1 EA 10784A BASE Model 5526A Distance Measurements 1 EA 10766A LINEAR INTERFEROMETER 2 EA 10767A LINEAR RETRQREFLECTORS Figure 6 Hardware Require or any Distance MeRsuremellf 6 3 ...

Страница 87: ...Model 5528A Distance Measu rements 6 4 1 2 3 EA 10752A MATERIAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR Figure 6 2 Oplional Hardware 1 EA 10751 AtR SENSOR ...

Страница 88: ... or moving Whcn the measurement you want to makc is along the laser beam your Interferometer Assembly will look like Figure 6 3 b When the measurement you want to make is along an axis at right angles to the laser beam your Interferometer Assembly will look like Figure 6 3 c Note that each of the views in Figure 6 3 is a side view Attach one Rctroreflector to the Interferometer as shown in Figure ...


Страница 90: ... Strength Indicator In the green region along the entire Optia palh 7 If the Angular Optics have previously been installed you can install the Distance Optics by simply changing the Optics without changing the mounting hardware 8 The laser HC3d turret ring should be set to OTHER Description 1 You will initially posi ion the Optics around the laser beam while they arc al the near end of travel usin...

Страница 91: ...his mou nt aRetrarefieclOr on aHeight Adjuster that is flush with the lap of the post supported by the base then position the laser Head so the return beam from the Retroreflector enters the laser Head s lower port Use Autoreflcction to help you do this once you become proficient at laser Systcm measurements If you use Autoreflection you won t have to do any further alignment you ll only need to c...


Страница 93: ... Move the Interferometer in the laser beam while watching the front of the laser Head Position the Interferometer or the Laser Head so the return beam is centered on the Laser Head return port s target 7 Secure the entire assembly to the machine in such a way that the Interferometer is as square as possible relative 10 the incoming beam Pitch limitations are 2 deg ees yaw and roll limitations are ...

Страница 94: ...NTING SPINDLE MOUNTING SIDE VIEW o o Model 5528 Distance Measurements 1078504 POST HEIGHT ADJUSTER 1076604 LINEAR INTERFEROMETER 1076704 LINEAR RETROREFLECTOR FRONT VIEW Figure 6 5 In crfcromefer MOlllllinM 6 1 ...


Страница 96: ...th over the full length of travel 2 Open both laser Head ports to their largest openings 3 Move the Optics over their full travel length while watching the BEAM STRENGTH meter Any reading in the meter s green area indicates sufficient beam strength 4 If the meter s reading goes into the red area al any time return the Oplics to their near end of travel position and reposition them so their return ...

Страница 97: ...ics targets if you used them Make sure that the exit port s smallapenure is selected lind the return port s larget is in place 2 Observe two dots on the laser Head s relUrn port target The dots may be overlapped completely thus appearing as a single dot 3 Move the machine you are measuring over its fu ll length of travel 4 Observe how much motion occurs between the Iwa dots Note that it s the ch n...

Страница 98: ... method described in Section 15 of this User s Guide to reduce any motion between the dolS tn some cases where the travel path length is very short there may still be cosine error even though there seems to be no molion between the dots For elCample if 5 0 2 mm 0 008 inch and 0 125 mm 4 92 inches then E 0 3ppm and the absolute error 0 3 ppm X 125 mm 0 00004 mm 0 000002 inch In these cases you shou...

Страница 99: ...Model 5528A Distance Measurements z y X X AXIS Z AXIS Figure 6 9 Three AKes Positioning of Optics 6 16 ...

Страница 100: ...ure 6 10 Right Angle Mounting MEASUREMENT DISPLAY SmINGS SENSOR USE Selecting Measurement Units The Measurement Display can give you your measurement results in either English inches degrees Farenheit etc or Metric mm degrees Celsius etc units You make the selection by setting the toggle switch on the Measurement Display unit s rear panel See Section 16 CONTROLS CONNECTORS INDICATORS The toggle sw...

Страница 101: ...en panel NOTE Be sure to lock the connections so they won t accidentally come ur donc Sensor Placement In order to accurately correct for the effects of environmental and machine temper lture on the laser reading you must locate the sensors where they can accurately monitor the conditions influencing the laser The 10751 Air Sensor which monitors the atmospheric conditions should always be mounted ...

Страница 102: ...10751A AIR SENSOR 10757A MATERIAL TEMPERATURE SENSORS Figure 6M 1 Sensor P acemenl figure 6 12 Air Sensor Orientation Model SS26A Distance Measurements 6 19 ...

Страница 103: ... key again to return to the mode you se lected earlier 3 More information about each key is available in Section 16 of Ihis User s Guide El J J PRESET 8 b r c Md Material Temperature and V O L arc now automatically calculated and updated so you do nOI have 10 enter any information with these keys Enter a presel number constant if you want one used The value you enter will be added 10 Ihe measured ...

Страница 104: ... DISTANCE Setup Keys EJ Push the DISTANCE key NOTES 1 Making a measurement without using the automatic sensors is practical only when the measurement environment is not changing since it is difficult to continually update your com pensation data manually while the measurement is running 2 To enter a value for any key a Use the ENTRY keys to specify the numeric value then b Prcss the key to assign ...

Страница 105: ...be positive and use this button to make sure it happens EXP COEFF g e Enter Ihe EXPansion COEFFicient for the material whose temperature you are measuring Enter the value in parts per mi lion per degree ppm degree For steel the expansion coefficient is 11 7 ppm per degree C You should enter AESOL 11 7 then press r J NOTE Be sure the Measurement Display unit s rear panel ENGLISH METRIC switch is se...

Страница 106: ... with the l aser Measurement System The operating manual for the An31ysis System will explain how to use it In either case you musl firSI make sure the Measurement Display is sel up to accept a controller via HP II3 See Section 18 and follow the instructions for Data Transfer with an HP IB Controller Procedure 1 Push the RESET key on the Measurement Display or on the Remote Control unit connected ...

Страница 107: ...to a lesser elCtent humidity Thus the absolute accuracy of the laser Measu rement System is dired ly determined by how accurately the ambient conditionsare known SpeC ifically aDistance measurement can vary one part per million for anyone of the following An air temperature change of 1 degree Celsius 2 degrees Farenheit or An air pressure change of 2 5 mm 0 1 inch of mercury or A change in humidit...

Страница 108: ...thing thai you need to know is the temperature of the material at the time you measure il This information and the material s coefficient of expansion which for most materfals can be found in reference handbooks allow you to determine the amount of change due to temperature change from one measurernent to another Minimizing Effects The Laser Measurement System can aUTomatically minimi ze the effec...

Страница 109: ...etween the return dots from I he Interferometer Assembly and the Retroreflector al the laser Head s bottom port as the Optics are moved along the measurement axis The OVERLAPPING DOTS alignment method described in Section 15 of this User s Guide describes how to minimize Ihe mol ion between the return dots and therefore minimize the cosine error In special shari distance high accuracy measurement ...

Страница 110: ...Laser Measurement System accuracy level by budgeting am0l18 potential sources of error Use this worksheet for each axis you measure Follow this procedure using Figure 6 14 as an example The numbers in parentheses in the procedure below are those used in Figure 6 14 1 Ident ify the axis X 2 Identify the length of travel SOB mm 20 inches 3 Determine the dccuracy you need You will generally need an a...

Страница 111: ...he calibration matching prace dure in Section 4 45 in the laser Measurement System s Service Manual d Multiply the accuracy value you Just calculated 1 2 ppm by the length of travel 508 mm or 20 inches and enter in column B 0 00061 mm or 0 000024 inch 6 Since you should always be starting your measurements when the Optics are close together assume that the error due to deadpath will always be negl...

Страница 112: ...pm by the length of travel and enter in line 8 column 8 0 03 ppm X 500 mm 0 00001 mm or 0 0000005 inch 9 Add line 4 through line 8 to determine the total maximum error magnitude 0 00147 mm 0 000056 inch Enter this number in line 9 column If and column e 10 Subtract line 9 from line 3 0 00277 mm 0 000109 inch As long as this number is positive your Laser Measurement System will provide enough accur...

Страница 113: ...9 5 to 20 5 C 1 5 ppm for 15 to 25 C 2 6 ppm for 0 to 40 C S Material Temp Compensation 1 2 0 aJ061 Column A values for HP 10757 Material Sensor 0 10 C when ca l match adjusted O 35 C when unadjusted Type of material Sr_L K Material II 7r Pm OC Expansion eoeH 6 Deadpath assume none 1 01 1 01 7 Laser System limitations 0 1 ppm 0 1 OOOO5 8 Cosine Error 52 802 ppm O 0 0000 9 Total Errors 4 through 9 ...

Страница 114: ... for 0 10 4QD C 5 Material Temp Compensation Column A values for HP 10757 Malerial Sensor O 10D C when cal match adjus1 ed O 35D when unadjustt d Type of material K Material Expansion coeft 6 Oeadpilth assume none 0 7 laser System limitations 0 1 ppm 8 Cosine Error 52 802 ppm 9 Total Errors 4 through 9 xxxxxx O Difference bt lween Required accuracy and Total Errors line 3 Line 9 xxxxxx Model 5528A...

Страница 115: ......

Страница 116: ...ch this measurement is based To make a Velocity measurement begin as if you were making a Distance measurement Most instructions for the Velocity measurement are identical to those for a Distance measurement Values for set up keys will be different and of course you ll have to push the VELOCITY key instead of the DISTANCE key OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS Accuracy O 19 of displayed value Resolulion Met...

Страница 117: ...Celsius et c units You make the selection by selling the toggle switch on the Measurement Display unit s rear panel See Section 16 Controls Connectors and Indicators The togglc switch is the locking type To change the sening of the rear panel English Metric toggle swilch 1 Gently pull the switch handle OUI along its current position 2 Move the switch lever to the position for the units you want to...

Страница 118: ...tmospheric conditions should always be mounted as closely as possible to the actual MEASUREMENT PATH 50 it can monitor the conditions the laser beam is experiendr g As an eJlample for sensor placement let s consider making a measurement on a mill shown in Figure 6 11 In Ihis case it is easy to determine where the sensor should be The 10751 Air Sensor should be placed nCJlt to the beam in the measu...

Страница 119: ...s and the total will be displayed 1f you do not enter a number 0 is automatically used here S EJ c Determine which direction you wanllo be positive and use this button to make sure it happens AESOL B d Determine the resolution you need from the accuracy you want Enter the number of places you want and then press the keys Resolution extends to one place 0 1 for millimeires and to two places 0 01 fo...

Страница 120: ...21 inches of Mercury and relative humidity of 50 PRESET 8 b S E c RESOL ad Enter the calculated compensation factor by pressing Enter a preset number constant if you want one used The value you enter will be added to the measured results and the total will be displayed If you do not enter a number 0 is automatica lly used here Determine which direction you want to be positive and use this bulton t...

Страница 121: ...h an I JP IB Controller Procedure 1 Press the RESET key on the Measurement Display unit or the Remote Control unit s RESET key Remembcr to do this only when the Optics are as close together as possible to prevent deadpalh error 2 Set up the Measurement Display to make measurements at specific time intervals I e on the fly If you are interfacing to a controller you should probably do this through i...

Страница 122: ...illion for anyone of the following An air temperature change of 1 degree Celsius 2 degrees Farenheit or An air pressure change of 2 5 mrn 0 1 inch of mercury or A change In humidity of BO percent Minimizing Effects The Measurement Display unit multiplies the number of wavelengths it counts from the laser Head by a compensation factor or the velocity of light thereby correcting for any difference b...

Страница 123: ...re minimize Ihe cosine error Uncompensated Measurement Path Length Deadpath Error Description This is a complication of the Velocity at light error Compensation for velocity of light error is applied only in proportion to the distance measured The error however exists over the whole path between the Optics including those parts not measured Any lime the laser Measurement System is reset with some ...

Страница 124: ...c accurate within 0 n6 of displayed value 0 05 arc sec per metre of traveled distance of the moving optic This assumes that all angles greater than 3600 arc sec have been corrected the Reflector is aligned within 10 arc min using autorcflec lion techniques roll alignment by the operator is within 1 degree rela tive to the measurement plane and the temperature of all optical components is stabilize...

Страница 125: ...28A Angular Measurements 2 EA 10785A POST AND HEIGHT ADJUSTER 1 EA 10784A BASE 1 EA 10770A ANGULAR INTERFEROMETER 1 EA 10771 A I ANGULAR REFLECTOR Figure 8 1 Hardware Required for any Distance Measurement 8 2 ...

Страница 126: ...r mounting Avoid long extensions Make sure that all supports are completely statior ary A spindle for example must be secured by a brake so it won t rotate If a brake isn t available try using a hose damp or a wedge 4 The laser beam must be returned to the bottom port on the laser Head s turret 5 The Optics must be aligned 10 the Laser beam well enough to keep the Beam Strength indicator in the gr...

Страница 127: ...osition for an aKis appropriate for what you wanltodo review Section 4 5 materialon this If you think you will be making II Straightness or Squareness measurement later establish a measurement axis al a height above the table that will allow easy inlerchangeabilily of the Optics To do this mount a RelrorefieClor on a Height Adjuster that is flush with Ihe top of the post supported by the base then...


Страница 129: ...allow easy interchanging of the Optics b For the Optic you mount in a spindle either attach Ihe Height Adjuster to a P ost as you would for table mounting or screw the Post into Ihe Height Adjuster after removing the large knurled knob This latter arrangement may make it easier to change to Straightness Optics c Orient the Optics horizontally or vertically to match the type of measurement you woul...

Страница 130: ...HT ADJUSTER POST r 1 0 I I I I I I I I I L ____ J o 10784A BASE l Model 5528A An ular Mcasuremenls I I I I I I I I 0 I I L ____ J J TABLE MOUNTING SPINDLE MOUNTING Figure 8 4 Table top versus Spindle M ounting 8 7 ...

Страница 131: ...28A Angular Measuremenls SIDE VIEW 0 0 FRONT VIEW 10771A ANGULAR REFLECTOR 10785A HEIGHT r ____ _ 0 o o r Jf 107B4A BASE FRONT VIEW OR 0 SIDE VIEW Figure 8 5 Angular Refleclor Mounting for Pitch Measuremcnl B B ...

Страница 132: ... FRONT VIEW 10771A ANGULAR REFLECTOR Model S528A Angular Measurements 10785A HEtGHT AO JUSTE POST _____ L I 00 L _ _ J Ir BASE FRONT VIEW OR SIDE VIEW Figure 8 6 Angular Refleclor Mounting lor Yaw MeasurcmCfI i 8 9 ...

Страница 133: ...9 Remove the target from the Interferometer 10 Position the Reflector asdosely as possible to the Interferometer look at the front of the laser Head and adjust the Reflector until the return beams hit the laser loiead bottom port starget Thisestablishes the near end of travel It may help to start by visually lining up the Reflector s edges with the edges of the Interferometer 11 Secure the Reflect...

Страница 134: ...IN LINE PITCH IN LINE YAW RIGHT ANGLE YAW Model 5528A Angular Measuremenls figure 8 7 Arlaching Alignment Targef fO Angular Imerferomcfcr 8 1 ...


Страница 136: ...ENGTH read in its green area repeat the entire Alignment procedure Measurements Along A Perpendicular Axis When a measurement axis is perpendicular to the laser beam mount the Angular Interferometer in line with the l aser and at the end of the axis you will be measuring see Figure 8 9 ar d Figure 8 10 for illustrations of set ups for measurements perpendicular to the laser beam Be sure to rotate ...

Страница 137: ...Model 5528A Angular Measuremcnls X AXIS V AXIS 0 Figure 8 9 Three Axes P05itioning o Optics or Pilch Measurements 8 14 ...

Страница 138: ...X AXIS Y AXIS Z AXIS Model 5528A Angular MeasuremenlS 1 Figure 8 10 Three Axes Positioning of Optics for Yaw Measurements 8 15 ...

Страница 139: ...key Set up Keys tRESEj Io j NOTE 1 To enler a number for any key a Use Ihe ENTRY keys 10 specify the numeric value then b Press the selected SET UP to assign the value to Ihal key 2 To check the current status of any of these keys just press the key Then press Ihe key again to return to you r previous mode 3 More information about each key is available in Section 16 of this User s Guide Your measu...

Страница 140: ... controller you must have an HP IB compatible printer conneded to the Measurement Display unit via the rear panel HP IB connector You must also make sure the Measurement Display i5 set up to output to a printer via W IB See Sed ion 18 and follow the instructions for Data Transfer without an HP IB Controller c For formallcd automatic records you should have the HP Dimensional Metrology Analysis Sys...

Страница 141: ...c along the full measurement palh A measurement is made automatically every so many seconds until you press the AUTO RECORD key again 5 Press the AUTO RECORD key when the end of travel is reached This will turn off the AUTO RECORD mode and end the recording of measurements If an HP Personal Computer or an HP IB Printer is not connected to the Measurement Display unit pressing RECORD or AUTO RECORD...

Страница 142: ... the Angular Reflector s housing To minimize these changes you should Avoid excessive handling of the Angular Reflcdor Avoid moving the Angular Reflector over heated or cooled surfaces Avoid having heated or cooled air movin past 1he Angular Reflector The l aser Measurement System s accuracy specification for Angular measurements is given at the beginning of this sedion Series 2648A Nov 86 8 19 ...

Страница 143: ......

Страница 144: ...imes referred to 3S the Moody method In this User s Guide section Section 9 we describe how to set up for and make a Flal rH SS measurement using the Angular Optics See Appendix A for a description of the principles on which this measurement is based OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS The following specifications assume that the optional Dimensional Metrology Analysis System is used in conjunction with the ...

Страница 145: ...res the hardware shown in Figure 9 1 plus an HP Dimensional Metrology Analysis System which includes an HP Personal Computer and programs and a Straightedge that is at least as long as the diagonal of the surface plate you re measuring and thick enough to contact the sides of the Footspacers and not their small ground pods REFERENCE MATERIAL Physical Setup of the laser Head and Tripod Section 4 In...

Страница 146: ...10759A FOOTSPACING KIT 1 EA 10nOA Model 5528A Flatness Measurements ANGULAR INTERFEROMETER 1 EA 10771A ANGULAR REFLECTOR 2 EA 10n3A FLATNESS MIRROR Figure 9 1 Har ware Required or any FatneH Measurement 9 3 ...

Страница 147: ...t Alignment method is described in the following procedure Once you become familiar enough with alignment principles you may want 10 use the following procedures but without targets Your entire interferometer opening would be the Interferometer target and Ihe laser Head s return pan target would become the Reflector s targel 3 The following procedures will only instruct you to set up and align alo...

Страница 148: ...asurements ANGULAR INTERFEROMETER 10773A FLATNESS MIRROR MJ Ox 8L CAP SCREWS Figure 9 2 Installing the Angular Iflterferome er o 10771A ANGULAR REFLECTOR 10759A FOOTSPACING KIT MJ O x 8L CAP SCREWS Figure 9 3 Ins ailing Ihe Angular Refleeror 9 5 ...

Страница 149: ... the Footspacers There should also be a 7 S an 3 inch margin between the outside of the grid and the edge of the Surface Plale on three of the sides and a 10 cm 4 inch margin on the side thai will be in line with the laser Head Figure 9 4 Grid Map of Surface Plate 4 Align the laser Head using the Autoreflection method parallel to the surface plate and to perimeter line loGE 7 5 em 3 inches oUlside...

Страница 150: ...he Angular Interferometer in corner C in the laser beam s path so its base is parallel to edge GE and flush with the corner of the Surface Plate See Figure 9 6 SECOND FLATNESS MIRROR ANGULAR INTERFEROMETER a II FOOTSPACER ANGULAR REFLECTOR RSTFLATNESS MIRROR STRAIGHTEDGE Figure 9 6 Positioning of Optics for First Mc lsurcmcnt Line 9 7 ...

Страница 151: ...or a spot Just above the HP logo 11 Turn the Flatness Mirror In corner c untillhe laser beam is in the vertical plane passing through corner Ails Flatness Mirror The beam itself doesn t have 10 hit the corner A Flatness Mirror it jusl has to be vertically in line with It Again turn corner Ails mirror 180 degrees and aim fo r aspol jusl above the HP logo You may need to hold a piece of paper In the...

Страница 152: ... so and slill meet the conditions above 20 You are now ready to align the laser to the Optic s travel path Turn to Section 1S of Ihis User s Guide and follow the instructions there for Gunslght alignment keeping in mind the following Too much turning of the laser Head may cause the laser beam to move off either of the Flatness Mirrors If this happens start over at step 10 from your new Laser Head ...

Страница 153: ... value for any key a Use the ENTRY keys to specify the numeric value then b Press the key to assign the value to that key 2 To check the current status of any of these keys jusl press the key Then press the key again to return to the mode you selected earlier 3 More Information about each key is available in Section 16 of this User s Guide Set this key to be 1 0 by pressing 08 Resolution should be...

Страница 154: ...rol unit d Move the Footspacer a distance equal to its footspacing These increments should be marked on the Straightedge e Press the Remote Conlrol Unit s RECORD bUllon One measurement is made each time you press this bullon f Continue moving Ihe Foolspacer in increments equal to its footspacing pressing Ihe RECORD bUllon afler each move 2 Reposition the Optics for the nexi line to be measured Rea...

Страница 155: ...it description of potential errors and how to insure adequate accuracy when using the Angular Optics A build up o f dust or dirt on the measuring surface can cause error in your Flatness measurement Be sure to clean the measurement surface thoroughly If you move a Surface Plate to calibrate it be sure you allow its temperature to stabilize before you measure ils flatness ...

Страница 156: ...he following specifications assume that the oplional Dimensional Metrology Anillysis System is used in conjunction with the HP 5528A to provide ilverilging and ciliculation capabilities for Straightness Parallelism and Squareness measurements and thai the Optical Square is aligned within 5 arc min using aUlorefiection techniques Accuracy Overall accuracy is the sum of the two components below r Ov...

Страница 157: ...icator method of measuring malghtnl is where Optical Reference Accunley C OrrC I Ol1ds to the traighted8e a wary and Mcasw emen Accur cy corrc pond to the Indlattor ilccuracy 20p lcal refcrence error C n be eliminated by using tr lllhtc dgc Imillon reversal techniques RESOLUTION Short Range Metric Units Mode 0 01 micron O X OOl mm English Un its Mode 1 rnicroinch Long Range Metric Units Mode 0 1 m...

Страница 158: ...axis requires the hardware shown in Figure 10 1 RELATED MEASUREMENTS Straightness Measurements USing the Straightness Relroreflector Section 11 Squareness Measurements In a Horizontal Plane Section 12 Squareness Measurements In a Vertical Plane Section 13 Parallelism Measurements Section 14 REFERENCE MATERIAL Physical Setup of the laser Head and Tripod Section 4 Interconnections Turn on Section 5 ...


Страница 160: ...t be aligned to the laser beam well enough to eliminate slope if the HP Dimensional Metrology Analysis System isn t used 7 If either Distance or Angular OptiCS have previously been installed the Straightness Oplics can be installed by making only minor changes 10 the mounting hardware 8 The laser Ilead s turret ring should be set to OTHER during in t a llaljon to tilke advantilge of the strongest ...

Страница 161: ... Distanceor Angular measurement later establish a measurement axis at II height above the table Ihal will allow easy interchanging of Ihe Optics To do this mount the Straightness Reflector as shown in Figure 10 4 and keep the Reflector as low as possible on its lJase without covering up the hole in the Reflector Mount s Post Then position the laser Head so its beam strikes the center of the slot U...

Страница 162: ...indle by either anaching the Height Adjuster to a Post as you would for table mounting or screwing ilS base directly into the post or screwing the Post into the Height Adjuster after removing the large knurled knob This latter arrangement may make it easier to change to Distance and Angular Optio b Orient the Straightness Reflector horizontally or vertically to malch the type of measurement you wo...

Страница 163: ... 10 the Straightness Interferometer opening that is dircded toward the l aser Head Make sure the target is positioned 35closelyas possible relative to the edges of the Optic Use you r fingers to match edges 7 Adjust the Slraightness Interferometer o r translate the l aser Head so the laser Beam goes through the target s hole Secure the Interferometer to the machine in such a waythai the Interferom...

Страница 164: ...crews identified by l Make sure the slol isclosest to the screws identified by 1 This will allow laO degree rotation of the mirror without moving the mounting hardware b Screw the Accessory Kit s Post inlo any side or the rear of the Ad justable Mount as required for positioning c Slide the Post into the Base and secure with the large knurled knob Adjustment 2 allows 360 degree rotation of the re ...

Страница 165: ...rometer in a plane perpendicular to the slotted opening in the Reflector _ SCAIBE LINE 6 10774A OR 10775A STAAIGHTNESSINTERFEROMETER Figure 10 5 Imerferomcler Bezel Scribe Line 11 Position the Reflector within 100 mm 4 inches for Short Range measurementsor 900 mm 36 inches for Long Range measurements of the Interferometer Position the Reflector so thai the two daIS resulting from step 10 are orien...

Страница 166: ...is by Keeping the beam in the small hole on the Interferometer target to maintain the beam s near end of travel position and Keeping a two dot pattern in line with the junction of the Rertector s mirrors and symmetrical about ils slotted opening 10 match the Optic s travel This will be a little different than aligning for Distance and Angular measurements since with these alignments you were only ...

Страница 167: ...Strai ghtness Reflector s sial You should see two dots crossdose 10 the laser Iead s e it port If you can t sec these dots a Cut a hole in the middle of a piece of paper b Hold this paper between the Interferometer and the Reflector bUI closer to the Interferometer You should see eilher one dOlor two closely spaced daIS on the piece of paper c Adjust the Reflector Mount s micrometers until the dOI...

Страница 168: ...AIGHTNESS key corres ponding to the length of your measurement 2 Press the RESET key 3 Again move the machine over itsfull travel range this time checking the Measurement Display unit to see if there is a steady change in the number displayed rather than either a random scattering of numbers or a constant number A steady change of numbers indicates misalign ment between the machine s travel axis a...


Страница 170: ...nge to the value calculated below where X Vo VN the New Value DNE Distance between Optics at Near End position DFE Distance traveled by moving Optic to Far End position Vo the Old Value slope example suppose the near end spacing of the Optics NE is 100 mm 4 inches and I hdistance traveled by the moving Oplic to the far end spacing FE is 600 mm 24 1 inches Additionally suppose thai the measured slo...

Страница 171: ...ne with thc new all is Straightness measurements on vertical perpendicular axes are described In Ihe next seoion Figure 1 9 and Figure 70 70 show positioning of Strillghtness Optics on three different all cs Two l aser Head set ups are needed Other Mounting Requirements Although we have tried to provide you wilh a maximum of mounting fle ibi1ilY there may be situations w hen you need more capabili...

Страница 172: ...X AXIS HORIZONTAL X AXIS VERTICAL Z AXIS VERTICAL Model 5528A Straightness Measurements Along A Horizontal Axis Figure 10 9 Three axes Posilionlng of Op cs Firsl Laser lead Setup 10 17 ...

Страница 173: ...Model SS28A Straightness Measurements Along A Horizontal Axis Y AXIS HORIZONTAL V AXIS VERTICAL I Z AXIS HORIZONTAL Figure 10 10 Three axes Positioning of Optics Second Laser lead Setup 10 18 o ...

Страница 174: ... or negative by pressing slightly on the Straightness Interferometer and pressing this button jf the direct ion you pushed caused the wrong sign for the reading Remember thaI opposite perpendicular motions for the Interferometer and the Reflector result in readings with the same sign Determine the resolution you need from the accuracy you want Enler the number of places you want and then press thi...

Страница 175: ...t you aren t usinglhe HP Dimcnsional Metrology Analysis System or another HP IB controller you must have an HP IB compatible printer connected to the MeasuremeOl Display unit via the rear panel HP IB connector You must also make sure the Measurement Display is set up to output to a printer via HP 18 Sce Sedion 18 and follow the instrudions for Data Transfer without an HP IB Controller c For formal...

Страница 176: ... more information about using this key 4 Move one optic along the full measurement path A meaSlJrement is made automatically every so many seconds until you press the AUTO RECORD key again 5 Press the AUTO RECORD key when the end of travel is reached This will turn off the AUTO RECORD mode and end the recording of measurements NOTES Make sure the frequency at which you want 10 lake measure ments i...

Страница 177: ...ngth of rt would be shortened by an amount equal 10 c with respect to the optical path of f2 and this would be interpreted by the Interferometer 35 ou t of straightness in the Interferomctcr s travel Slraightness accuracy limitations resulting from the Reflector smirrors are given under OPTICAL STRAIGHTEDGE ACCURACY in the OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS at the beginning of this User s Guide Section Figu...

Страница 178: ... Laser Measurement System Minimizing Effects The three ways to remove slope from the Straightness data are 1 Automatic Calculator reduction and pial of data 2 Manual mathematic reduction and plot of data 3 Manually aligning the slope out with a zero end point fi Manual alignment may be necessary if the slope becomes great enough to reset the Measurement Display before the end of travel is reached ...

Страница 179: ...asing as the distance between the Optics increases The effects of vibration can be further identified if the drifting of the measurement S lOpSwhen the machine is turned of or by e ceeding the slew rate during the measurcment disrupting the measurement Minimizing Effects 1 Thermal expansion of the machine or Optics These effects can be minimized by Ictting the machine and Optics reach thermal e lu...

Страница 180: ...in the air To remove these differences you should remove their sources e g open doors lamps exhaust lans motors elc Alternatively yOll shou ld mix the air thoroughly along the measlIrernc t path lIsinl3 alarge fan If you can reduce the sources of temperature differences and mix the measurement path air you ll be eve bener off 10 25 ...

Страница 181: ......

Страница 182: ...e of a Straight r ess Retrorelreflector to reverse the direction of the la e r beam The Straightness Relroreflector isa large Retroreflector mounted in a housing that also supports the Straightness Interferometer The Relroreflector is placed in the laser beam to reverse the beam and allow the Interferometer to be mounted in the machine s spindle even though you can t install an Optic behind the sp...

Страница 183: ... 0 05 F2 microinches TIR where TIR Total Indicated Reading M distance of travel of the moving optic in metres F distance of travel of the moving optic in feet Measurement Accuracy Short Range Optics Temperature Displayed Value Range 0 0 microns 0 500 microns 10 400 micrOinches 1400 60000 microinches 15 25 C 3 S 1 0 25 microns no microi nches 0 40 C 6 1 0 5 microns 20 microi nches Long Range Optics...

Страница 184: ...erometer located within 5 metres 16 5 feel of l aser Head Shorl Range 0 1 3 metres 4 120 inches Long Range Optics 1 30 metres 3 100 feel HARDWARE REQUIRED In addition to the hardware required for any measurement usingIhe l aser M easurement System see Figure 4 1 any Straightness measurement 31 0 ng a Vertical axis requires the hardware shown in Figure 11 1 NOTE There are both a Straightness Reflec...


Страница 186: ...ertical ax is measurements only Straightness Relroreflector Interferometer Reflector 2 The Relroreflector lnterferometer must be mounted where the tool mounts The Reflector must be mounted where the workpiece mounts 3 Vibrations and loose connections must be minimized by proper mounting Avoid long extensions Make sure that all supports arc completely stationary A spindle for example must be secure...

Страница 187: ... Keeping a two dot pattern in line with the junction of the Straightness Reflector s mirrors and symmetrical about its slolled opening to match the Optic s travel 4 finally you will check your alignment to insure that Important Considerations number 5 and number 6 have been met Installing Optics For A Vertical Axis Measurement 1 Assemble the Straightness Reflector and its mount as you would for a ...

Страница 188: ...screws identified by 1 Make sure the slot is as fat as possible from the screws identified by 1 This will allow for correct spacing between thc Turning Mirror and the Reflector b Screw the Accessory Kif s Post into Ihe rear of the Adjustable Mount c Slide the Post into thc Ilase and secure with Ihe large knurled knob Adjustmenl 2 allows 360 deBree rotalion of the reflector Adjustment 3 rotates the...

Страница 189: ...its mounting hardware on the part of the machine that normally holds the workpiece in line with the vertical axis to be measured See Figure 11 4 10772A TURNING MIRROR RETROREFLECTOR FROM 10776A STRAIGHTNESS ACCESSORY KIT ___ _ 10774A OR 1077SA INTERFEROMETER ____ld_______ o RECESSED StDE ORIENT SLOT TOWARO TURNING MIRROR o MOUNT Figure 11 3 Interferometer alld Turning Mirror Mounfing ...

Страница 190: ... a Straightness measurementln the plane perpendicular to the laser beam Horizontal Straightness orient the Straightness Reflector perpendicular to the laser beam with the Turning Mirror s base toward Ihe laser Head If you arc making a Straightness measurement in the plane parallel to the laser beam Vertical Straightness orient the Straightness Reflector parallel to the laser beam and with the Turn...

Страница 191: ...or usinS the two 3 mm flathead screws provided 7 Orient the Retrorefleclor so it overlaps thc Straightness Reflector and the Turning Mirror but with the Interfero meter over the Straightness Reflector Fasten the Relrorcflcctor to the machine in such a way that the Interferometer is as square as possible to the Reflector and to the incoming beam The Interferometer housing s pitch limitations are 2 ...

Страница 192: ...sually align the laser Head as well as you can parallel to the machine s table and position it to have the beam strike the center of the Turnins Mirror s opening Use the Interferometer s target or a piece of paper to help you to this 11 Adjust the TurninlS Mirror s position with the small screws at its base until the laser beam goes throush the small alignment ring on the Reh oreflector find passe...

Страница 193: ...5528A Straightness Measurements STR AIGHTNESS RETROAEFLECTOR __ J ALIGNMENT r RING o INTERFEROMETER Figure 11 6 Alignmenl Ring on Straightness Retroreflecror Figure 11 7 Initial Pmifion ng of Reflecfor 11 12 ...

Страница 194: ...t the Straightness Reflector as low as possible on its Base without covering up the hole in the Reflector Mount s post 2 Position the Reflector and its mounting hardware on the part of the machine that normally holds the workpiece in line with and facing the spindle 3 Decide whether you are making it Vertica l or a Horizontal Straightness measurement on this axis and turn the Reflector so its slol...

Страница 195: ... not physically lined up at thiSpoint aligning along the travel axis will be impossible Be sure thisestablishes the near end of travel i e that any later movement of the machine can only increase the distance between the Optics 7 Make sure the Reflector is square relative to the machine and to the Interferometer within 5 degrees and then secure the Reflector to the machine 8 Switch to the large ap...

Страница 196: ...on and Keeping a two dot pattern in line with the junction of the Reflector s mirrors and symmetrical about its slotted opening to match the Optic s travel This will be a little different than aligning for Distance and Angular measurements since with these alignments you were only watching one dot relative to a target crosshair 3 Move the Optics to the far end of travel 4 Rotate the laser Head ver...

Страница 197: ...terferometer s bezel to bring the scribed line parallel to the Straightness Reflector s slot You should see two dots cross close to the Laser Head s exit port If you car t see these dots a Cut a hole in the middle of a piece of paper b Hold this paper between the Interferometer and the Reflector but doser to the Interferometer You should see either one dot or two dosely spaced daiS on the piece of...

Страница 198: ...scribed in Section 20 of this User s Guide Checking for Mis Alignment Between the Reflector s Reference Bisector and the Optics Travel Path Slope 1 Press the Measurement Display unit s LONG or SHORT STRAIGHTNESS key corres ponding to the length of your measurelllent 2 Press the RESET key 3 Again move the machine over ils full travel range this time checking the Measurement Display unil lO see if t...

Страница 199: ...ravel and note the slope measurement on the Measurement Display 3 Adjust the micrometer that controls motion In the plane of the Straightness Reflector s 510110 cause the displayed number to change to the value calculated below where x Vo VN Ihe New Value DNE Distance between Optics at Near End position DFE Distance traveled by moving Optic to Far End position Vo the Old Value slope or example sup...


Страница 201: ...imum of mounting flexibility there may be situations when you need more capability For more information you should turn to Appendix C for dimensions of the Optics and the mounting hardware MEASUREMENT DISPLAY SETTINGS NOTE Measurement Display settings are the same with or without sensors Measurement Mode Keys STRAI GHTNESS 00 Press the key corresponding to the length of the measurement Use LONG fo...

Страница 202: ... a preset stored value The multiplier value is 1 unless you have entered some other value other than 0 You must enter a calibration factor for the particular Straightness Reflector you are using You will find the calibration number you need on the label without the serial r umber on the side of the Straightness Interferomet er Enter this number x xx using the ENTRY keys to specify the numeric valu...

Страница 203: ...nterval you specify without regard to the location of the Optics Measurements at Specific Physical Locations To have your laser Measurement Syslem make measurements only al specific physical lo cations 1 Push the RESET key You can also RESET from the Remote Conlrol Unit 2 Move one of the optics a predetermined distance 3 Press the RECORD bulton on Ihe Remote Control Unit connected to the Measureme...

Страница 204: ...ghtness Reflector Mirrors Description The limiting accuracy of a Straightness measurement isdirectly related to the accuracy of the mirror calibration factor and 10 the difference in flatness of the two plane mirrors that serve as the Straightness Reflector V O l error is negligible compared to the overall measurement accuracy For example suppose one of the mirrors is flat but the other is convex ...

Страница 205: ...tion and plot of data 2 Manual mathematic reduction and plot of data 3 Manually aligning the slope o ut with a zero end point fi Manual alignment may be necessary if the slope becomes great enough 10 reset the Measurement Display before the end of travel is reached or if a subsequent squarencss measurement is to be made Ifyou have the HP Dimensional Metrology Analysi5System DMAS you will want to u...

Страница 206: ...ized by lelling the machine and Optics reach thermal equilibrium before making a measurement 2 Machine Vibrations a Adequate fixluring is the main way to reduce the effects of vibration Make sure the Straightness Reflector s Base is securely fastened to the table and thallhe Post is securely fastened to the base on one end and the Reflector on the other Avoid long extensions b Vibrational effects ...

Страница 207: ......

Страница 208: ...ammed in Figure 12 1 This section is organized to provide instructions for each aIds you should measure to compute a Squareness Separate procedures aTC provided for the first axis measurement and the second axis measurement NOTE There arc both a Straightncss Reflector and a Straightness Rctroreflector In this User s Gu ide Section wc wil l try to always type Relroreflector like this with Ihe Rel r...

Страница 209: ...reness t _ E D _ _ Figure 12 1 Straightness Mea wremenf Flow Diagram HARDWARE REQUIRED In addition to the hardware required for any measurement using the Laser Measurement System see Figure 4 1 any horizontal Squareness measurement requires the hardware shown in Figure 12 2 This hardware is the same as that required for a Straightness measurement plus an Optical Square and its M ount If you are me...

Страница 210: ...R M odel S528A Squareness M easurements In A Hori zontal Plane 1 EA 10775 _ LONG RANGE STRAIGHTNESS INTERFEROMETER AND REFLECTOR OR 1 EA 10774A ___ I SHORT RANGE STRAIGHTNESS INTERFEROMETER AND REFlECTOR Figure 12 2 Hardware Required 1 EA 10777A OPTICAL SQUARE 12 3 ...

Страница 211: ...l make your second axis alignment much easier 3 If you can move the Interferometer along one of the axC5 it may be possible for you to make both Straightness measurements from one laser Head position One StraightnC5s measure ment would be made with the Interferometer between the Straightness Reflector and the Optical Square and the second measurement is made with the Interferometer between the Opt...

Страница 212: ... WITH VERTICAL SPINDLES Model 5528A Squarcncss Measurements In A Horizontal Plane STRAIGHTNESS REFLECTOR OPTICAL SQUARE STRAIGHTNESS INTERFEROMETER Figure 12 3 First axis Positioning of Opfics LASER HEAD r L 12 5 ...


Страница 214: ... its slotsare parallel to the machine s table 2 Identify the axes you are going to measure to make your Squareness measurcmenl Identify which axiswill be your first measurement axisand which will be your second Try to maximize travel paths for each axis The Optical Square is fairly large and will shorten theaxis it is used to measure 3 Position the Optical Square at the apex of your square with ea...

Страница 215: ...cal Square to line up the Interferometer with the center of the Optical Square s slot Be sure it is centered in both axes iup and down and side to side This is a very important step If the Optics are not physically lined up at this point aligning along the travel axis will be impossible Be sure this establishes the near end of travel I e that any later movement of the machine can only increase the...

Страница 216: ...re the target is positioned as closely as possible relative to the edges of the Optic Usc your fingers to match edges 10 Visually align the Laser Head as well as you can parallcl to the direction o f travel and position it so its beam enters via the hole in the middle of the Interferometer s target Use Autoreflection to help you do this once you become proficient at laser System measurements 11 Ro...

Страница 217: ...the Optics to the far end of travel Be sure the target is in place on the Interferometer and the small aperture is selected for the laser Head s exit port 16 Rotate the laser Head vertically and horizontally to keep the Iwo dots lined up on the scribed line al the cenler of the Optical Square s slot and symmetrical about its opening see Figure 12 6 Since the dotswill move apart as the Optics move ...

Страница 218: ...Straightness Retroreflector where the tool normally mounts excepl orient it horizontal1y instead of vertically See Figure 12 7 Screw the Interferometer inlo the large Relroreflector using the two 3 mm flathead screws provided 5 Orient the Retroreflector so the Interferometer lines up with the center of the Optical Square s slot opening and the top half o f the Relroreflector isexposed to the laser...

Страница 219: ... as well as you can parallel to the machine s table and position it to have the beam go over the Optical Square and through the Relroreflcctor s Alignment ring See Figure 12 8 NOTE Once you become familiar with alignment principles you may want to do this using AUTOREFlECTION techniques 10 Orient the Interferometer bezel s scribed line 90 de8rees to the Optical Square s slotted opening Two dots sh...

Страница 220: ... the beam in the Alignment ring on the Retroreflcctor to maintain the beam s ncar end of travel position and Keeping a two dol pallern in line with the center of the Optical Square sial and symmetrical about it to match the Optic s travel This will be a liule different than aligning for Distance and Angular measurements since with Ihese alignments you were only watching one dOl relative to a targe...

Страница 221: ...d close enough togcther to gct both dots to go through the Optical Square s first slot without being clipped 4 Position the Straishtness Reflector at the end of the second measurement axis and center the tWO daIS on the junction belween its mirrors and symmclrical about its slotted opening Be sure to orient the RcfleClOr to make a horizontal straightness measurement If you can not get two dots to ...

Страница 222: ...rs until the dot 5 disappear into the Inter ferometer d Look at the Laser Head You should now see the dot s on the front of the Laser Head 6 Turn the bezel until the dots overlap 7 Adjusllhe Reflector Mount s micrometers until the overlapping dots are centerd on the exit port and halo the small aperture 6 Set the Laser Head s turret ring to STRAIGHT 9 Select the Laser Head ex it pOri s large apert...

Страница 223: ... cleaning Thoroughly dean all optical surfaces as described in Section 20 of this User s Guide Checking for Mis alignment Between the Reflector s Reference Bisector Optics Travel Path Slope Follow the instructions given under thiS heading in Section 10 Manual Removal of Slope Follow the imtructions given under this heading in Section 10 Try 1 0 remove as much slope as possible Ihis wi ll help make...

Страница 224: ...rom your data What Affects Accuracyl See the information presented under this heading in Section 10 of this User s GUide SECOND AXIS MEASUREMENT Horizontal Axis Th is second axis measurement is merely a horizontal Straightness measurement along a horizontal ilxis see Figure 12 10 Thus you should follow the instructions given in Section l Oaf this User s Guide and add to that as appropriate the inf...


Страница 226: ...de under the headi ng of Squareness 5iHIl Conventions Making A Measurement System Checks 1 Use the instructions in Section 10 for SYSTEM CHECKS under MAK ING A MEASUREMENT 2 Make sure you inpu t a cal ibration factor for the Optical Square to the HP Dimensional Metrology Analysis System s program if you use that system You wi ll find the calibration number next to the serial number on the Square s...

Страница 227: ...dition the squarer ess accuracy is also affected by Ihe accuracy of the optical square s calibration number flatness of the mirrors in the square which contributes additional error like that illustrated in Figure O and misalignment of the input beam out of the optical plane of the square These errors can be minimized by using the correct calibration number of the square for calculatio ns proper al...

Страница 228: ...moving these Optics and making a vertical Straightness measurement along a horizontal axis This process is diagrammed in Figure 13 7 NOTE There are both a Straightness Reflector lnd a Straightness Helro reflector In this User s Guide Section we will try to always type Helrorefleaor like this with the Retro in bold type to emphasize when that is the one that is to be used OPERATING SPECIFICATIONS A...

Страница 229: ...Measurement along a horizontal a is Compare Results Compute Squareness C E NO_ Figure 1J 1 Straightn ess Measurement flow Diagram HARDWARE REQUIRED In addition to the hardware required for any measurement using the laser Measurement System see f igure 4 1 any vertical Squareness measurement requires the hardware shown in figure 13 2 This hardware is the same as that required for a Straightness mea...


Страница 231: ...rmation about installation and alignment of Optics the instructions presented In this User s Guide Section will highlight the additional things you must do beyond the instructions given in Section 11 Installation and alignment instructions are given in their entirety below Installation and Alignment of Optics Impo rtant Considerations 1 See IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS in Section 11 2 The sequence of ...

Страница 232: ...TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW Model SS26A Squarcncss MeasuremenlS In a Verlical Plane Figure 13 3 First axis Positioning of Optics 13 5 ...

Страница 233: ...Optical Square 1 Align the laser Head to the horizo nal axis using the most convenient method a Autoreflection b Gunsight targets c Overlapping dots NOTE Distance optics must be used with the overlapping dots method 2 Attach the Optical Square to its mount as shown in Figure 13 4 3 AHach the Turning Mirro r s base to the side of the Optical Square as shown in Figure 13 5 4 Identify the axes you ar...

Страница 234: ...Model 5528A 5quareness McasuremenlS In a Vertical Plane Figure 13 4 Mounting the Optical 5qu 1re 13 7 ...

Страница 235: ...Model 5528A Squareness Measurements In a Vertical Plane Figure 13 5 MOlin illS tile Turning Mirror 13 8 ...

Страница 236: ... be taken care o f automatically by using the Straightness Relroreflector and an HP Post r STRAIGHTNESS RETROREFLECTOR 10774A OR 1077SA INTERFEROMETER rd __ _ ___ rlgure 1J 6 Inlerferomelerj Rclroreffector Moun lng 1 1 Position the Optical Square and Turning Mirror relative to the Rctroreflector and Interferometer a Bring the Interferomctcr RClroreflector assembly d ose enough to the Optical Squar...

Страница 237: ...Model 5528A 5quareness Measurements In a Vertical Plane TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW o SECOND POSITION See Step 18d FIRST POSITION See Step 14 Figure 1J 6a Posifioning of Gageblock 13 10 ...

Страница 238: ...long the hori zontal axis Ro tate the Optica l Square so that ilS sides arc parallel to the directio n of travel 16 Secure the Oplical Square in this location 17 Translate the laser Head horizontally so that the beam strikes the center of the Turning Mirror s opening Use the Intcrferometer s target or a piece of paper to help you do this 18 Adjusl the Turning Mirror s angle with the small screws a...

Страница 239: ... adjust the Turning Mirror so thaI the two dots arc in line with the scribed line and symmenical within the opening see Figure 13 8 f Remove the gilgeblock g Screw the Interferometer into the Relrorefleclor h Rotate the Interferometer bezel until ilsscribed line is oriented 90 degrees relative 10 the Optical Square s slot i look at the lap of the Optical Square md translate the laser Head unlilthe...

Страница 240: ...travel position and Keeping a two dot pattern in line with the cent er of the Optical Square s slot ast he Optics move over Ihe travel path This will be a little different than aligning for Distance and Angular measurements since with these alignments you were on ly watching one dot relative to a target crosshair 20 Move the Optic 10 the far end of travel 21 Rotate the laser I lead verticallyand h...

Страница 241: ...l times before you are done You are finished wilh this procedure when the beam goes through the Interferometer wilhout being clipped and the two dots are symmetrical about the Optical Square s top slot see Figure 13 9 Procedure For Installing the Straightness Reflector 1 Select the small aperture for the exit pori on the laser Hcad fYou can also do this using the full beam from the large aperture ...

Страница 242: ...eflector to the machine Figure 13 10 Two daiSon the Reflector Final Adjustments After Aligning 1 Select the small aperture for the laser Head s exit port 2 Rotate the Interfcromcter bezel until its scribed line is parallel to the slol in the Optical Square 3 l ook at the side of the Optical Square facing the Reflector If you don t see two dots adjust Ihe Reflector Mounl s micrometer head thai cont...

Страница 243: ... Optical Square b You should see either one or two closely spaced dots on the Interferometer c Adjust the Reflector Mount s micrometers until the dot s disappear into the I nter ferometcr d l ook at the laser Head You should now see the dOl s on the frOllt of the laser Head 6 Turn the Interferometer bezel until the dots overlap 7 Adjust the Reflector Mount s micrometersulltil the overlapping dots ...

Страница 244: ...int along the Optics full travel distance your Optic may need cleaning Thoroughly clean all optical surfaces as described in Section 20 of this User s Guide Checking For Mis Alignment Between the Laser Beam and the OpticsTravel Path Slope Follow the instructions given under this heading in Section 11 Manual Removal of Slope Follow the Instructions given under this heading il Section 1 Try to remov...

Страница 245: ...w minutes of a degree will induce errors in your measurement To prevent this from happening secure the Optical Square against parallels in T slots or other similar machine fea tures that are square relative to the machine s motions SECOND AXIS MEASUREMENT Horizontal Axis This second axis measurement is merely a vertical Straightness measurement along a horizontal axis see Figure 13 12 Thus you sho...

Страница 246: ...TOP VIEW SIDE VIEW Model 5528A Sq uareness Measurements In a Verlieal Plane Fisure 13 12 Secotld axi5 P05ifioning of he Optics 13 19 ...

Страница 247: ...1 Checlcing For MiS Alignment Between the Laser Beam and The Optics Travel Path Slope You should not check for or try 10 remove slope in this second axis since the slope of this axis will be used to determine squarcI ess Measurement Display Settings 1 Usc the instructions given in Section 10 or Section 11 of this User s Guide 2 When entering values for the SET UP keys be sure you choose the correc...

Страница 248: ...to Section 21 of this User s Cuide to help you calculate Squareness from your data What Affects Accuracy Since Straightness optics are used in the Squareness measuremenl Squareness accuracy is affected by the same factors that influence Straightness accuracy See the information in Section 10 of thisUser s Guide In addition the Squarcncss accuracy isalso affected by the accuracy of thc Optical Squa...

Страница 249: ......

Страница 250: ...de with the Reflector held in the lathe s spindle the workpiece location but with the spindle rotated 180 degrees for the second measurement HARDWARE REQUIRED In addition to the hardware required for any measurement using the Laser Measurement System see Figure 4 1 any Parallelism measurement will need all the same hardware as required for a Straightness measurement plus a Turning Mirror and possi...

Страница 251: ...perating Manual to record and store the data for this first axis If you don t use the HP Dimensional Metrology Analysis System follow the instructions given in Section 10 or Section 11 of thiS User s Guide Then refer to Section 21 of thiS User s Guide and ca lculate the slope of your measurement data Second Axis Measurement Installation and Alignment of Optics Make any changes that are necessary t...

Страница 252: ...ection 21 translate the slope values into a Parallelism value What you must do is 1 For each axis determine the angle of misalignment 6 This is done by taking the arctangent of the slope m of each Straightness mcasuremenl and multiplying by 3600 to convert to arcseconds 1 arctangent m 1x 3600 arcseconds Be sure your slope value is dimensionless i e metre metre or inch inch 2 Add the angles togethe...

Страница 253: ...Model 5526A Parallelism Measurements LINEAR PARALLELISM ERROR 01 02 I e I y r e Figure 14 1 Linear Parallelism Divergenl Axes 14 4 z z ...

Страница 254: ...I I 0 f y x c LtNEAR PARALLELISM ERROR III 02 Figure 14 2 Linear Paralleli m Parallel Axes z w z Model 5528A Parallelism Measurements 14 5 ...


Страница 256: ...Adjust the Turnins Mirror or the laser Head so the laser beam strikes the junction of the Straightness Reflector s mirrors d Align the laser Head to the Interferometer s travel using the principles presented in Section 10 Do nOI make any further adjustments to the Turning Mirror when you are aligning the laser Head unless your adjustments to the laser Head are extreme enough to move the laser beam...

Страница 257: ...e the Direction Sense for this second measurement Prcss the OIR SENSE key Making A Measurement Use the same instructions you did for the first axis measurement Calculating Rotational Parallelism Once you have the slope for each measurement axis from Section 21 transl lIe the slope values into a Parallelism value What you must do is 1 For each axis determine the angle of misalignment 8 This is done...

Страница 258: ...ENT METHODS Alignment methods are listed in Table 15 1 along with advantages and disadvantages of each Table 15 1 Summary of Alignment Methods METHOD APPLICATION ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES A Gunsight All Simplest Inaccurale over Measurements No reflection smailiraveis l osslble In all situations No other hardware required U Overlapping Distance and VelocilY possible in More compll cilted Dots Measur...

Страница 259: ...3 Now make a series of adjustments to the Laser Head untillhe beam returns to where it originally was on the reflecting Optic or ils larget This process is illustrated in Figure 15 1 a Rolale turn The I aser Head to move the beam back toward the crosshairs or etched line on your reflecting Optic See step 2 in Figure 15 1 As soon as you do this the Laser beam will be partially or fully blocked by t...


Страница 261: ...ld not have targets in place 2 Move the Ret roreflector away from the laser or separate the Optics If the Laser isnot aligned to the travel axis the Retroreflector dot will begin to move from the target port The dot will move until the beam is cut off by the edge of the Interferometer s window Stop moving the Retroreflector before the beam isthusblocked or when the end of travel is reached Figure ...

Страница 262: ...ter s position with this adjustment If the dots are no longer in line at this point keep repeating steps a and b until the dots are in line as shown in step 2 of Figure 15 4 Horizontal Axis c Turn the Laser Head left or right until both dots overlap See step 3 in Figure 15 4 You are matching the Reflector s position with this adjustment d Now translate the Laser left or right until both dots movet...


Страница 264: ...t hit the Rel roreflcctor s larget Turn unt il the dols line up INTERFEROMETER DOT RETROREFLECTOR DOT TURN IN DIRECTION OF AETROREFLECTOR OOT IN DIRECTION OF RETROREFLECTOR DOT TURN Figure 15 5 When to Turn rhe Laser b Translale the Laser HC ld up down or left righ any time the Interferometer return dot is not in the return port target See Fi JlJrc 15 6 IThe Interferometer return dot is the one th...

Страница 265: ...EFLECTION METHOD 15 8 This alignment method can be used with any type of mcasurement NOTE This alignment method does not use any Optic used to make measurements Instead you must establish a plane mirrored surface perpendicular to the path that will be travelled by the Optics by using some feature of the machine s geometry e g T slots ...

Страница 266: ... travel are a locating the mirror s reference su rfaces against fixed reference surfaces on the machine table see Figure 15 7 b Indicating the reference surfaces on the mirror lrue square gauge block with a dial indicator and adjusting the angular position of the mirror surface MACHINIST S FLAT 4 C T SLOT GAUGE BLOCK MIRRORED SURFACE LINE TO BE MEASURED ANGLE PLATE Figure 15 7 Using Reference Surf...

Страница 267: ...y then horizontally until the reflected beam is centered on its upper felCh porI NOTE The target for autoreflection is the elCit pori instead ofthe return port since the return bcam is not offset by a Retroreflector If you turn the lase r Head too far the beam may movcoff the autorcflecling surface If this happens translate the laser Head until the beam again hits the aUlorefiecling surface Your l...

Страница 268: ...d in critical high accuracy measurements where any cosine error no matter how small is unacceptable Descriplion The laser Measurement System will only measure the component o fdistance or velocity parallel to its laser beam This component can be represented by the long leg of a right triangle with the hypotenuse of that triangle representing the actual path traveled by the optics See Figure 6 131 ...

Страница 269: ...ptics are completely overlapped a Position the Retroreflccl r within 5 mm 2 in of the Interferometer b Till and rolate the laser Head slightly If there is any change in the Measurement Display s reading the return beams from the Optics are not completely overlapped and centered on the laser Head s return port c Adjust the Optics until the reading doesn t change 2 Move 10 the far end of travel 3 Ro...

Страница 270: ...ormation is presented in Figures illustrating The frOll1 and rear as appropriaTe of each of these units Where the description of any item is too Ions to fi t easily into il figure you are referred to additional material outside the figure but still within this Section The Measu rement Display unit s front panel cormols and indicators ilrc illustrilted ilnd briefly described in Figure 16 7 The Meas...

Страница 271: ......

Страница 272: ...me without loss of measurement data Changing a preset value in anyone particular modI does not affed the presct values of the other modes Additional information about the PRESET key is presented in tCOICt outsidco this figure 11 MATL TEMP Key The Material Temperature Sensor s are used to compensate fOf thermal expansion or contradion of the material being medsured by the Laser Me lsurement System ...

Страница 273: ...llimetres degrees C The switch selling can be changed regardless of the Measurement Display unit function without loss of measurement data It converts all temperatures distances and related constants while the Measurement Display unit remains in the current measurement mode No RESET is required 6 IEEE srD 488 PORT Connector Connecting point for HP IB cable s if used Hp IB isa Hewlett Packard Imple...

Страница 274: ...surements 5 APERTURE CONTROLS These are located behind both ports in the turret The Exit Port s aperture conlrol has three positions large opening small opening and d osed The Return Port s shutter has two positions open and dosed which displays a tarst tllsed for alignment 6 TURRET RING A two position selector that switches elements in the hit and Return beam paths depending on whether a STRAIGHT...

Страница 275: ...d by RESET Additional information about the RESET key ispresented in text outside this figure 2 RECORD Key Each time you press thiskey you r current measurement data is recorded on an external recorder connected to the Measure ment Display unit via the HP IB IEEE STD 488 PORT connecto r Thisis a manual only function and operates independently of the Measure ment Display unit s AUTO RECORD key 3 M ...

Страница 276: ...o three seconds to appear MORE ABOUT AUTO RECORD This key provides a way for you to record data on an e ternal device at a rate you choose via HP 1 8 HP IB Hewleu Pilckard Interface 8us isHewlett Packard Company s implementation of the IEEE Standard 486 Interface Bus To use the AUTO RECORD function connect an HP IB compatible device to the IEEE STD 486 PORT connector on the M easurement Display un...

Страница 277: ...t values associated with them and will display each value on successive presses of the key The SeneraI procedure for entering a value for any of these keys is to use Ihe ENTRY keys to set up the numeric value and then press the SET UP key to which you want that number assigned When thc value associated with any key is incorrect either because thc number you entered is nOI allowed or because a sens...

Страница 278: ...umber See GENERAL information for SET UP keys above Viewing a Preset Number To find oul what the current preset number for your measurement mode is all you have to do is press PRESET This number will remain displayed until you either press PRESET again or until you press the key to call up some other measurement mode Display shows DEFAULT RANGE NOTE To display the preset value for any mode other t...

Страница 279: ...rature fixed to two decimal places is shown on the right followed by a e or an F centigrade or fahrenheit depending on the setting of the ENGLISH METRIC switch Each successive press of the MAll TEMP key will display Ihe temperature of the sensors in the order 1 2 3 If the next sensor to be read is not connected the Measurement Display unit will skip that reading Thus if only sensors 1 and 3 are co...

Страница 280: ...s due either 10 an out of range condition or a malfunction When this type of error occurs a sensor error message is displayed The next time you press MATL TEMP an ERROR will be displayed indicating a problem with onc of the sensors Successive pressings of MATL TEMP will cause readings from good sensors to be displayed in the usual sequence there will be no reading from any bad sensor just as if th...

Страница 281: ... V O l will cycle through the Air Sensor values as described above For example if the air pressure is being monitored and you want to momentarily select another function when the V Q l bullon is pressed again the irst data displayed will be the air pressure Successive presses of the V O L key will then give air humidity and then a return to the current measurement mode To Enter A V O L Compensatio...

Страница 282: ... smoothing function on or off You can use the RESDl key at any time without loss of measurement data To Display the Resolution Value To display the current resolution value just press the RESD l key Pressing the key again sends the laser Measurement System back to the cu rrent measurement mode Resolution limits are different for each measurement mode and except as noted below English unit resoluti...

Страница 283: ...ssed as parts pcr million per degree of temperilture ppm You can use the EXP COEFF key ilt any time without loss of measurement datil To View the Expansion Coefficient Value To view the cu rrent expansion coefficient va lue just press the EXP eOEFF key the value will be displayed until either the EXPeOEFF key is pressed again thus returning to the current mode or another key is pressed To Enter an...

Страница 284: ...sts the M easure ment Display may need service AE E rror Error in temperature value from This error shou ld be clea red without loss of Air Sensor see V O L information measurement infonna tion by removing the bad sensor AH Error Error in humidity value from Air Sensor see V O l information Unplug the Air Sensor and have it repaired AP Error Error in pressure value from Aif If the problem persists...

Страница 285: ...ESET key cycle the power on the Measurement Display and wait for the Laser Head 10 warm up again This errOl can only be cleared by resetting Display and results in a loss of measurement data LASr FAIL F1clshes instead of LASr UP when Make sure the laser Head is connected to the Laser Head is not yet ready for the Measurement Display by the correct operation at the end of the warm cable Verify lASE...

Страница 286: ...eam Strength meter must not point into the red region or PA Error will appear and measure ment data will be lost This error can only be cleared by reselling the Measurement Display dnd results in a loss of measurement data Programming error The MC lSurement Display has received an HP IU command that II doe n T recognize or a misuse o f an allowed commdnd Care fully check your programming instructi...

Страница 287: ...of Measurement Dis Cycle Ihe power switch on the Measurement play Power up Self Test Display If the error condition persists unplug all cables from the rear of the Display one by one and cycle the power each time In Ihis way you can determine which if any of the external sensors or the laser head are causing Ihe problem If the error condilion persislswith all external cables disconnected have Ihe ...

Страница 288: ...the Measurement Display unit s functions to be completely controlled from an external controller An HP IB compatible device is used in an HP IB system in one or more of the followin ways As a LISTENER a device must be capable of acceptir 8 data from the interface Examples of listeners are primers and plotters The Measurement Display unit has limited listener capability As a TALKER a device must be...

Страница 289: ...evice Trigger Capability El Open collector Outputs DATA TRANSFER WITHOUT AN HP IB CONTROLLER Introduction The simplest Hp 1I1 arrangement consists of one talker in this case the Laser Measurement System one listener typically a Printer and no controller In this configuration data transfer is limited to direct transfer from the talker to the listener The Measurement Display unit is used in its Hp I...

Страница 290: ...3 10833B 2 6 6 10833C 3 13 2 108330 0 5 1 6 NOTE The HP10833x cables will mate with HP10631x cables having the same type of locking screws metric or English The HP10033x cables have RFI shielding the HP10631x cables do not a Connect one end of the HP IB cable 10 the Measurement Display unit s rear panel IEEE STD 468 PORT See Figure 5 4 or Figure 16 2 for the location of this connector NOTES The HP...

Страница 291: ...Model 5528A HP IB Informati on 18 4 t Hp tB SWtTCH ASSEMBLY Figure 18 1 Location of TALK ONLY ADDRESSABLE 1nd I IP IB ADDRESS Switch ...

Страница 292: ...n the Printer s rear panel Note however that the switch may not necessarily be on Ihe rear panel that s why you should refer 10 your device s documentation to be sure You can cause the M easurement Display unit to produce an HP 1I1 data outPUt by using the M easuremenl Display unit s AUTORECORD key or the Remote Control unit s RECORD key See Section 16 of this User s Guide or information about the...

Страница 293: ...is labelled on the printed circuit board Slide this switch to its ADDRESSABLE 0 position 2 Set the HP 1I3 ADDRESS SWitches to the address you want The HP IB ADDRESS switches are part of the eight switch assembly that containsthe TALK ONLYI ADDRESSABLE switch Address switches AS through Al are set at the factory to address 03 AS A4 and A3 arc set to 0 HA2 and Al are set to 1 If you have to select s...

Страница 294: ... 15 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 17 1 0 0 0 1 18 1 0 0 1 0 19 1 0 0 1 1 20 1 0 1 0 0 21 1 0 1 0 1 22 1 0 1 1 0 23 1 0 1 1 1 24 1 1 0 0 0 25 1 1 0 0 1 26 1 1 0 1 0 27 1 1 0 1 1 28 1 1 1 0 0 29 1 1 1 0 1 30 1 1 1 1 0 31 1 1 1 1 1 HP IB address 31 is not allowed J Connect the Measurement Display unit to the Controller usinK an HP IB cable The HP Part Number for a typical ca ble used here begins 10633 and hasa...

Страница 295: ...e currently shipped with metric screws b Connect the other end of the HP 18 cable to the device that is to be used as the controller in this system NOTE The connector at each end of each HP IB cable has two sides male and female The male side mates with the HP IB connector on any HP IB compatible Instrument or with any other suitable female connector The female side of the connector provides a con...

Страница 296: ...unction Codes used to control the System HP IB Bus Commands recognized by the laser Measurement System Status Bytes provided by the laser Measurement System Information about the laser Measurement System s Interrupt capabilities 2 The documentation for the controller device for Information about how to creatc the Bus Commands and Instrument Function Codes required by the laser Measurement System I...

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Страница 298: ...WHAT IS THE V O L COMPENSATION FACTOR The laser Measurement System works by counting wavelengths of the laser beam as the various measurement optiCS arc moved The wavelength frequency and velocity of light are related as follows wavelength per cycle velocity frequency The velocity of light is constant in a vacuum but varies in air as a function of the air s temperature pressure and humidity Since ...

Страница 299: ...25 degrees C 77 degrees Fl air pressure 01762 0 mm 30 00 inches of Mercury Hg and relative humidity of 50 this ratio is equal to 0 9997329 For the operating environment specified for the laser no change will ever occur in the nrstthree digits of the ratio therefore these three digits are also hard wired inside the Measurement Display unit and you will have to enter only the last four digits of the...

Страница 300: ... million wi ll occur in the distance measurement for each error of 1 degree Celsius 2 degrees Farenheit in air temperature or 2 5 mm 0 1 inch of mercury in pressure or 80 of the relative humidily 2 ABSOLUTE PRESSURE VERSUS ADJUSTED PRESSURE The ambient pressure used in determining your compensation number must be absolute pressure not adjusted pressure which is usually absolute pressure that has b...

Страница 301: ... wide range charts offering coarse compensation numbersfor non precision measurements Table 19 4 through Table 19 27 and Table 19 29 through Table 19 52 are more detailed charts progressing from low to high altitudes and from low to high relative humidity To find the V O l appropriate compensation factor table refer first to Table 19 210 find the group of tables for your humidity and altitude Then...

Страница 302: ...e it withoul error You will be workins with numbers that are very small and numbers that are very large even the smallest error can have ill significant effed on the accuracy of your answer and any error Is extremely dlfflcuilio detect or rillce We strongly suggest thill you make a practice run using vililues from any of the compensation value tables to get ill feeling for whillt is required In th...

Страница 303: ... our work O 0133T 0 266000000 0 81 7 0 551000000 P X 10 II X 2 0 000418760 0 0036610T 0 073220000 1 5 1 073220000 4 6 0 932165595 0 3836391 X P X li7 271 7875292 e Q 057267T 3 143409969 1 1 X 9 157 1754985 3 033 X 10 3 X 10 0 476737287 8 271 3108159 12 10 e 1000271 311 10 12 999728 7626 13 c 14 999000 728 7626 728 8 I 2 3 5 6 7 li8 Save 9 10 12 013 4 15 for comparison the answer we were looking fo...

Страница 304: ... Di pl y key 0 8 0 J8 NOTE The number you enter represents the last four digits abed of a seven digit fraction having the form O 999abcd This number is the ratio of the velocity of light at your measurement location to the velocity of light in a vacuum The first three digits in the fraction 999 are built into the Measurement Display unit s memory and can t be changed ...

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Страница 306: ...eft hand side of the filter holder is held by a tab thai slides into a slot in the panel b Remove the filter from the holder and clean it by blowing compressed air through it from the inside out If the filt er istoo dirty to dean with air wash the filter element in hot water and a mild detergent Dry the filter before reinstalling For the HP Part Number of a replacement filter element see Section 3...

Страница 307: ...g and dispersing the beam Cleaning the optics should be avoided unless the signal intensity is noticeably reduced as indicated by the Beam St rength Meter If cleaning Is necessary you must be careful to avoid rubbing particlesinto the antireflectivc lens coating Permanent reduction of the signal intensity will resu lt Particles can be rinsed with a gentle stream of pure industrial grade methanol f...

Страница 308: ... done manuallyor automatically using the HP Dimensional Metrology Analysis System CALCULATION OF SLOPE There are two methods used to remove the slope value from your data The first method is called End Point Fit and the second is called Least Squares Fit End Point Fit Method To remove slope from your measurement data using the End Point Fit method you should a Determine the slope of your data by s...

Страница 309: ...alues in our Squareness cil lculations later The important variables are For Axis 1 m slope of the misalignment axis b intercept of the misalignment axis x position of the machine along the axis of travel V ope value of the bias due to misalignment slope of the Optical straightedge axis with the axis of travel Ylrue z true value of the out of straightness of the machine YU 4 reading on the laser d...

Страница 310: ...is 2 Total distance travelled AX 0 45 metre Slope m2 loY AX 8 8 0 5 0 45 0 0 18 44 microns metre Intercept b2 0 5 microns at X 0 you want Y fUII 0 Therefore YSlope ml X bl 20 67X 0 5 Vtrue YLMS YSlope x 0 0 0 05 0 1 0 15 0 2 0 25 0 3 0 35 0 4 0 45 VLMS 0 5 1 2 2 5 3 8 4 0 4 8 5 9 6 2 7 4 8 8 V tope 0 5 1 42 2 34 3 27 4 19 5 1 6 03 6 96 7 88 8 8 0 0 0 22 0 16 0 53 0 19 0 31 0 13 0 76 0 48 0 0 micro...

Страница 311: ... o f calculating slo pe and then true Straightness values for two axes of measurement The important variables are m slope of the misalignment axis b ilHercept of the misalignment axis x position of the machine along the axis of travel YtlOpe value of the bias due to misalignnment of the Optical straightedge axis with the axis of travel YI e true value of the out of straightness of the machine YLM ...

Страница 312: ... x IXY IY X lX2 LX N x LX X XV 0 0 0 0 01 0 09 0 04 0 30 0 09 0 75 0 16 1 16 0 25 1 80 0 36 2 52 0 49 3 57 0 64 4 72 0 61 6 48 2 85 21 39 33 5 4 5 10 21 39 01 7 65 microns metre 4 5 2 10 2 85 4 5 21 39 33 5 2 85 0 095 micron 4 5 2 10 2 85 therefore Yslope m X b 7 65X 0 095 X 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 YLMS 0 3 0 9 1 5 2 5 2 9 3 6 4 2 5 1 Y lope 0 1 0 7 1 2 2 3 0 3 7 4 5 5 3 0 8 5 9 6 0 Ylrul ...

Страница 313: ...74 17 42 microns metre 2 25 10 10 7125 2 25 1 13 74 45 1 0 7125 b 0 591 micron 12 25 10110 7125 Yslope m2 X 17 42X 0 591micron X YLMS YsIOP1 0 0 0 5 0 291 0 05 1 2 1 46 0 1 0 15 0 2 2 5 3 8 4 0 2 33 3 2 4 08 0 25 4 8 4 95 0 3 0 35 5 9 6 2 5 82 6 69 0 4 0 45 7 4 8 8 2 56 8 43 Ylrus 0 09 0 262 0 167 0 596 0 08 0 146 0 083 0 488 0 159 0 37 microns 21 6 CALCULATION OF SQUARENESS Squareness is determin...

Страница 314: ...erent Squareness value than subtracting the same angles 3 Calculate the total angle between the two axes by the following formula refer to Figure 21 1 Total angle 324000 02 01 Optical Square Error The value 324000 is the number of arcseconds in a right angle 90 x 3600 Optical Square Error is the number of arcsecondsof error in the Optical Square i e how far it is from being exactly 90 degrees 3240...

Страница 315: ...e values to one direction of the machine tool s movement However when you are making a Squareness measurement the sign convention is critical in making sure you have the correct sign and magnitude of the Squarcness error Figure 21 1 shows how 10 obtain a squareness value This is the same procedure the HP Dimensional Metrology Analysis System uses to define squareness Determining Sign Conventions T...

Страница 316: ...Measurement Display according to the Squarc ness Convention Guide in Figure 21 3 Notice thai the direction sense of the moving optic is determined by the direction of travel you selected in Step 2 above Measure the axis perpendicular to the Straightness Reflector fi rst and the axis in linc with the Straightness Reflector second Figure 21 5 shows the eight possible configurations NOTE If you measu...

Страница 317: ...Model 5528A Straightness and Squarc ncss Considerations AXIS 1 t AXIS 2 Figure 21 3 Squarenc5s Sign Convention Guide 21 10 ...

Страница 318: ...Interferometer Direction 01 trayel of moylng opllc Starting point of Straightness measurement lor IIrst axis Starling point of Straightness measurement for second axis Oevlallon 01 the moylng optic In the direction 01 the should resuliin an Increasing poslllve reading on the Measurement Display figure 21 4 Legend or Squarefless Sign Convention 21 11 ...

Страница 319: ...Model 5528A Straightness and Squareness Considerations 2 b b 1 11 2 11 L J 1 2 b b 1 11 2 11 L J L J 1 Figure 21 5 Squareness Sign Convention Configurations 21 12 ...

Страница 320: ... 1 2 1 L J 2 L J Model 5528A Straightness and Squareness Considerations L J 1 2 1 1 2 LJ FIgure 21 5 Squarcncss SIgn Convention Conf gurat ons Continued 21 13 ...

Страница 321: ...S28A Straighmcss and Squarencss Considerations 1 2 1 b 21 14 I b 1 ro L T I b 2 1 L T 2 Figure 21 6 Squarcncss Sign Convention Configurations or first Axis MeasurementS In linc with the Ref pc or 2 ro LJ L J ...

Страница 322: ... 1 P L J Model 5528A Straightness and Squareness Considerations c J P 2 1 r1 L I 1 r1 L I 2 figure 21 6 5quareness SIgn ConventIOn Conf guratIOns for First Axis Measurements In line with the Reflector Continued 21 15 ...

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Страница 324: ...SUREMENTS FLATNESS MEASUREMENTS STRAIGHTNESS MEASUREMENTS SQUARENESS MEASUREMENTS PARALLELISM MEASUREMENTS INTRODUCTION This User s Guide section describes the major hardware pieces of the Laser Measurement System and presents the principles of operation of the Laser Measurement System If you need more information than is presented in this Section KO to Section 8 of the Laser Measurement System s ...

Страница 325: ...all front panel keyboard functions to be remotely programmed A TALK ONLY mode allows transfer of data to a recording device such as a digital plotter without using a controller 5518A Laser Head The Laser Head contains A thermally tuned laser tube Control circuits A Reference Receiver A M easurement Receiver and a High voltage Power Supply The Laser Head also contains a special Optic used for Strai...

Страница 326: ...y ground and polished glass trihedral thrce surface prism somctimcs called a cube corner It reflects the laser beam back along a line parallel to the original beam but offset from it by twice thc distance at which the incoming beam is offset from the corner apex 10770A Angular Interferometer The Angular Interferometer used in Angular and Flatness measurements is basically a linear Interferometer w...

Страница 327: ...1 5 and 2 0 MHz and is represented in Figure A 1 as fl f2 The remainder of the u mpled beam controls the tuning of the lOIsel to keep the laser s output frequency constant During a measurement the laser beam is directed through Optics in the measuremcnt path and then returned to the Laser Head s Measurement Receiver This receiver will detect part of the returning beam that will be 1 2 plus a Doppl...

Страница 328: ...EA L SUPPLIES I IIIV r V L _ _ I OT 1A B OR C IoIAl RlA L TEloI n AlUR SENSOR I I IOHoi A OR B SEN SOR S A PLER ASSEMBLY PU LSE COU NTER PULSE CO UNTER I V M P IB I N nI F E CI RCUITRY I f YBOA R D I DISPLAY PROCESSOR MOTE CONTROL UNI T M odel 5528A Appendix A Principles of Operation Figure A 1 Laser Measuremenr System Simplified Block Diagram A S ...

Страница 329: ...ser beams is provided by each Retro reflector REFERENCE RETROAEFlECTOR MEASUREMENT AETROREFlECTOA h I I V I FROM LASER 1 TO I f2 12 2 i 12 PHOTODETECTOR LINEAR INTERFEROME FIgure A 2 D sfance and Velocity Measuremenls Angular Measurements The set up for making an Angular measurement is shown in Figure 1 3 The Angular Optics creilte two parallel beam paths between the Angular Interferometer and the...

Страница 330: ...on the Reflector s front foot is located where the back foot was in position A The height of the rear foot at position B isthen determined using the angle measurement and the length of the foolspacer Similarly position e is that position where the Reflector s front foot isat the sa me location as the rear fOOl was for position B The height of the rear fOOl for position tiC isdetermined and algebra...

Страница 331: ...the Short Range Interferometer and about 0 15 degree for the long Range Interferometer To provide the correct readout of the offset distance the E lectronic hardware automatically mu ltiplies the fringe count by the reciprocal of 2 sin 012 Small pitch yaw or roll motions of the Interferometer do not create a path difference and therefore do not affect the measurement accuracy The two return beams ...

Страница 332: ...Reflector Perpendicularity is achieved using an Optical Square Squareness is calculaled by adding or subtracting the slopes for each Straightness measurement to a right angle provided bythe OpticalSquare Section 21 of this User s Guide shows how this is done Parallelism Measurements A Parallelism measurement is similar to a Squareness measurement except it does not use an Optical Square A Parallel...

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Страница 334: ... six degrees of freedom are 1 Linear displacement 2 Angular displacement about the measurement axis a Pitch b Yaw c Roll 3 Displacement perpendicular to the measurement axis a Straightness in the vertical plane b Straightness in the horizontal plane These six variables are used to break down the complex movements of a carriage traveling on a pair of ways into factors which can be more easily handl...

Страница 335: ... of these measurements except roll ca n be made with the Laser Measurement System REPEATABILITY ACCURACY RESOLUTION It is important that you understand the definitions of repeatability accuracy and resolution these are common terms in industry and are used throughout this User s Guide THESE TERMS ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE REPEATABILITY is the range among a group of measurements at a larget position ...

Страница 336: ... same flaw are repeatable but no t accurate RESOLUTION is the smallest increment of scale In the target example resolution is the distance between the rings in the targel FACTORS AFFECTING ACCURACY AND PRECISION The accuracy and precision of a measurement are influenced by many factors which can be separated into two groups M achine related and Set up related Machine related factors include M achi...

Страница 337: ... the angle s size m aresec aresec The units of the crror will be the same as the units of the measurement and of the offset centimetres inches etc since the tangent value Is dimension less Abbc offset error increases in proportion to the size of the angular offset and the distance of the linear offset and is really a question of what are you trying to measure for example if you want to determine t...

Страница 338: ...error in the reading due 10 Abbe offset error is 5 X 10 6 error 10 mm X X 300 arcsec arcsec 10 X 5 X 10 6 X 300 mm 15 0 X 10 3 mm 0 009 mm 0 015 mm 0 0006 inch II may be worthwhile mentioning here that a micrometer wouldn t be subjeclto Abbe offset error since its measurement axis and its scale axis are the same Consider checking the positioning accuracy of a toof on a mill To minimize the effeCI ...

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Страница 342: ...In I I I M8X1 25 THREAD 3 PLACES 360 0mm 14 17ln I _ 118 0mm d l 1 479 0mm 1 18 86In Net WI 5 5 kg 12 lb 5518A LASER HEAD Nel WI 8 7 kg 19 lb 4 65In 44 0mm 1 73In 55 0mm 2 17ln 5508A MEASUREMENT DISPLAY 825mm 32 5In Minimum PLATE 425mm 16 75In Radlus i I 10753A LASER TRIPOD 360mm 14 25In l eg Rise c ...

Страница 343: ...6Inl Net WI 224 9 5 Ib 10767A Net WI 536 9 1 2 Ih 10766AI1 0767A INTERFEROMETER COMBINATION LINEAR RETROREFlECTOR 1 90 0mm j M10X1 5 1 3 54In F iI T If 8 l t 11tt t dF l 30 0mm 1 18In MJXO 5 4 PLACES M10X1 5 75In o _ FRONT SIDE 10785A HEIGHT ADJUSTER POST 10784A BASE SCAEW 2 PLACES ...

Страница 344: ... r O Omm I 1 57In IT 11 9 rr I o 72 6mm nI o In ou o a 30 Omm J I nN I WI 1 I Bln 5539 1 3 Ib 10770A ANGULAR INTERFEROMETER i l 40 0mm t o l t 1 F l 1 57In r IT 30 Omm 1 18In 72 6mm I 1 181 In o I _ n i 30 0mm 1 18in Net WI 6509 1 5Ib 10771A ANGU LAR REFLECTOR C ...

Страница 345: ...mm 11 _ 4 00In L PATTERN TO MATCH 10771A M3XO S CLEARANCE HOLES r39 0mm 1 53In SO Omm 1 97in lf 1 to d n f12 7mm t d Net WI 1 4 kg 3 lb Total 10759A FOOT SPACING KIT 30 om l l__ n p ijfl 1 1 18In I 01 0 DO l SO Omm _ n TO MATCH 10770AJ l 11 30 0mm CLEARS M3XO S 1 18In MIRROR 110 0mm ___ I TURNS 4 33In 12 2mm t jJ rm 4Bin l BOln It 1 1__ I l o Net WI 661 9 1 5 Ib 10773A FLATNESS MIRROR ...

Страница 346: ...CES 83In Nel WI 164 9 0 36 Ib STRAIGHTNESS INTERFEROMETER r30 0mm 1 18In lIt40 0mm 1 57In 1b 0 1 Jo J o L M3XO 5 12 PLACES li e rm 1 57In lI L I 110 0mm I I 4 33In I Nel WI 800 g 1 8 Ib STRAIGHTNESS REFLECTOR 30 0mm 1i i 1 18In 30 0mm 1 18In M3XO 5 4 PLACES 1 57In 40 0mm 1 57In I 0 o 400mm 1 57In Net WI 510 g 1 2 Ib W Mounl 10772A TURNING MIRROR c s ...

Страница 347: ... 2 PLACES Ml0X1 S Nat Wt 374 g 0 82 Ib 10776 67001 STRAIGHTNESS RETROREFLECTOR k M10X1 5 4 PLACES 49 5mm 951n 1 5mm 1 9tn llt Jmm 49 1 951n I1 dI l 11 145 0 5 71 mm n 71 0mm J n IbUId1l 2 8 D n t1 j I 9mm I l i 14 Omm DlIn I 28 Dmm 551n I _ al 1 1D n I 145 0mm I 43 0mm I 5 71in I 1 69In Net Wt 4 0 kg 8 9 Ibs W Mounl 10777A OPTICAL SQUARE ...

Страница 348: ...will give the correct measurement on the display Previous units must have the displayed distance or vciocity value divided by 2 to gel Ihe correct answer The distance and velOcity measurements are made by measuring the change in position of one of the optics while the other optic is held stationary See Appendix A for a description of the principles on which this measurement is based To make a velo...

Страница 349: ...humidity switch setta 50 tolerances u e 1 75 ppm at 200 e 2 00 ppm at 15 25 e and 3 70 ppm at 0 40 C If 10751A B moonted Incorrectly dd 2 ppm Resolution Metric Units Mode 0 01 micron O OOOOlmm English Units Mode 1 microinch Maximum Velocity 9000mm minute 360 inches minute Measurement Range Maximum with proper alignment 15 25 C 20 metres 65 feel Velocity Accuracy 0 1 of displayed value Resolution O...

Страница 350: ...2A Model 552BA Measurements Using a Plane Mirror Interferometer HP 10706A Plane Mirror Interferometer HP 10773A Flatness Mirror HP 10711A Adju8table Mount Figure 0 1 Distance or Velocity Measurement Hardware D 3 ...

Страница 351: ...isplay normally uses the HP l D766A linear Interferometer for distance and velocity measurements To gel the correct measurement displayed when using the I IP lD7D6A Plane Mirror Interreromeler a switch selling in the HP 5508A must be changed To sellhe Measurement Display correctly for use with the plane mirror interferometer 1 Set the front panel LINE switch to OFF 2 Disconnect the line cord at th...

Страница 352: ...A2S3 SER IES 2732A Model 5528A Measurements Using a Plane M irror Interferometer Figure 0 2 Location of AlS3 TESTSwitch D 5 ...

Страница 353: ...erferometer Before proceeding with the alignment procedure reconflguring lhe HP 10706A and alignment aids for this interferometer will be covered Turned Configuration The interferometer can be configured to turn the beam This is done by interchanging the reference cube corner and the plane mirror convcr1er Figure 0 3 shows a reconfigured HP 10706A Plane Mirror Interferometer that turns the beam No...

Страница 354: ...r interferometer The alignment aid needs to be propcdy oriented so that the primary measurement beam goes through the hole on the alignment ald The primary measurement beam is the first of two measurement beams that go between the Interferometer and the plane mirror To find the primary beam block one of the two measurement beams and if the other disappears then the one blocked Is the primary measu...

Страница 355: ...Distance Measurements Distance measurements using a plane mirror Interferometer are made the same way as v ilh a linearinterferometer except thatthe plane mirror interlerometercannot be the movingoptic Refer to Section 6 Distance Measurements for Information about measurement display set tings sensor use making a measurement and what affects accuracy Velocity Measurements Velocity measurements usi...

Страница 356: ...r every mm or inch from your measurement axis This isthe samc as 0 5 mm in 1OOmetres or about 0 3 inch in one mile ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers Coefficients of Thermal hpansion Material length varies with temperature per the following expansion coefficients Malerlal ppml C Aluminum 23 1 Brass 19 4 Steel 11 7 Granite 11 0 Cast Iron 10 5 Pyrex Glass 3 2 INVAA 1 2 2 0 Standard materi...

Страница 357: ...asurement setup where your OptiCS are as dose as they will ever be during a measurement Parls per million ppm a means of standardizing a changing quantity by comparing some number of your measurement unitsagainst one million of those units sari of a high resolution percentage To use ppm multiply the value preceding the expression by the number of millions over which it applies For example if your ...

Страница 358: ...angle in which the rotation is 11360 of one complete rotation 1 degree 60 arc minutes 3600 arc seconds A waight angle is an angle of 180 180 degrees A right angle is an angle of 90 C An acute angle is an angle between 0 and 90 An obtuse angle is an anglc between 90 and 180 The Trigonometric Functions of an Acute Angle In Ihe right triangle ABC sine A sin A al e cosine A cos A blc tangent A tan A a...

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