Error handling and reporting
Error checking and completion code
Errors can occur for a variety of reasons including differences between the source and target system NICs
or because of errors introduced by editing the XML data file. The software performs extensive error
checking as the XML data file is read and processed.
When invalid property values are detected, a WARNING error message is written to a log file and
configuration continues with either default or existing values.
When the cqniccmd is run from a command line or a Windows command file, a completion code is
written as an error level code to both a log file and the screen. This error code can be used by the
Windows command file to determine how to proceed. The error level codes are as follows:
Successful start of the action returns a completion code of error level zero (0).
Non fatal errors return a completion code of error level one (1).
An invalid log file returns a completion code of error level two (2).
Other fatal errors return a completion code of error level three (3) or greater.
The specific information about all errors can be determined by viewing the log file located at
\cpqsystem\log\cpqteam.log (defaulted location).
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