First-time configuration 21
From the Configuration Menu, use the following command to select the System Menu:
>> Configuration# sys
The System Menu is displayed.
[System Menu]
syslog - Syslog Menu
sshd - SSH Server Menu
radius - RADIUS Authentication Menu
- Authentication Menu
ntp - NTP Server Menu
ssnmp - System SNMP Menu
access - System Access Menu
date - Set system date
time - Set system time
timezone - Set system timezone (daylight savings)
olddst - Set system DST for US
dlight - Set system daylight savings
idle - Set timeout for idle CLI sessions
notice - Set login notice
bannr - Set login banner
hprompt - Enable/disable display hostname (sysName) in CLI prompt
bootp - Enable/disable use of BOOTP
dhcp - Enable/disable use of DHCP on Mgmt interface
reminders - Enable/disable Reminders
cur - Display current system-wide parameters
Enter the following command to set the administrator password:
System# access/user/admpw
Enter the current administrator password at the prompt:
Changing ADMINISTRATOR password; validation required...
Enter current administrator password:
If you forget your administrator password, call your technical support representative for help
using the password fix-up mode.
Enter the new administrator password at the prompt:
Enter new administrator password:
Enter the new administrator password, again, at the prompt:
Re-enter new administrator password:
Apply and save the change by entering the following commands:
System# apply
System# save