This Drive Cycle — indicates status of monitors since the beginning of the current drive cycle.
An I/M Readiness Status result of “NO” does not necessarily indicate that the vehicle being tested
will fail the state I/M inspection. For some states, one or more such monitors may be allowed to be
“Not Ready” to pass the emissions inspection.
An I/M Readiness Status result of “NO” does not necessarily indicate that the vehicle being tested
will fail the state I/M inspection. For some states, one or more such monitors may be allowed to be
“Not Ready” to pass the emissions inspection.
OK” ——Indicates that a particular monitor being checked has completed its diagnostic testing.
“INC” — Indicates that a particular monitor being checked has not completed its diagnostic
“N/A” ——The monitor is not supported on that vehicle.
Use UP/DOWN scroll button to select I/M Readiness from Diagnostic Menu and press ENTER
If the vehicle supports both types of tests, then both types will be shown on the screen for
Use UP/DOWN scroll button, as necessary, to view the status of the MIL light ("ON" or "OFF")
and the following monitors:
Misfire monitor -- Misfire monitor
Fuel System Mon — Fuel System Monitor
Comp.Component — Comprehensive Components Monitor
EGR — EGR System Monitor
Oxygen Sens Mon— 02 Sensors Monitor
Catalyst Mon —Catalyst Monitor
EVAP System Mon — Evaporative System Monitor
Oxygen Sen htr —02 Sensor Heater Monitor
Sec Air System -- Secondary Air Monitor
Htd Catalyst
Heated Catalyst Monitor
A/C Refrig Mon
A/C system Monitor