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3. Wiring



Connect the outputs of HRSD in series.

© 2021 Hoymiles Power Electronics Inc. All rights reserved.

HRSD-2C Quick Installation Guide




When installing HRSD-2C, connect the input cables to the PV module before connecting the HRSD-2C output cables in series.



If disconnecting HRSD-2C, disconnect the HRSD-2C output cables from the string before disconnecting the input cables from the PV module.



If connecting HRSD-2C to a single PV module, first connect PV module to Input 1, then connect Input 2 cables together.



Connectors from different manufacturers cannot be mated with each other.



Transmitter must be powered off during HRSD-2C installation.



HRSD-2C output Voltage is 0.9V to 1.1V when Transmitter "permission to operate" signal is not present.








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Region: Global      AP040557     REV1.1



Connect modules to HRSD inputs.
