Possible Cause
[1] The icemaker will not
start. (continued)
m)Control Switch
1. SERVICE position.
1. Move to ICE position.
2. Bad contacts.
2. Check and replace.
[2] Water continues to
be supplied, and the
icemaker will not
a) Float Switch
1. Connector
1. Place in position.
2. Leads opened or
defective switch.
2. Check and replace.
3. Float does not move
3. Clean or replace.
b) Control Board
1. Defective.
1. See "II.C.4. Control Board
Check Procedure."
[3] Compressor will
not start or stops
a) Magnetic Contactor
1. Bad contacts.
1. Check for continuity and
2. Coil winding opened. 2. Replace.
b) Start Capacitor or Run
1. Defective.
1. Replace.
c) Internal Overload
Protector Open (check
1 through 3 to the right
and d through f below)
1. Loose terminal.
1. Tighten or replace.
2. Voltage.
2. Check and correct.
3. Dirty condenser.
3. Clean.
d) Starter
1. Bad contacts.
1. Check and replace.
2. Coil winding opened. 2. Replace.
e) Compressor
1. Wiring to compressor. 1. Check for loose
connection or open, and
2. Defective.
2. Replace.
3. Protector tripped.
3. Reduce temperature.
f) Control Board
1. No power to contactor. 1. See "II.C.4. Control Board
Check Procedure."
[4] Water continues to
be supplied in freeze
a) Inlet Water Valve
1. Diaphragm does not
1. Check for water leaks with
icemaker off.
b) Control Board
1. Defective.
1. See "II.C.4. Control Board
Check Procedure."
[5] No water comes from
spray tubes. Water
pump will not start, or
freeze cycle time is
too short.
a) Water Supply Line
1. Water pressure too
low and water level in
water tank too low.
1. Check and get
recommended pressure.
b) Inlet Water Valve
1. Dirty mesh filter or
orifice and water level
in water tank too low.
1. Clean.
c) Water System
1. Water leaks.
1. Check connections for
water leaks, and replace.
2. Clogged.
2. Clean.
d) Pump Motor
1. Motor winding opened. 1. Replace.
2. Bearing worn out.
2. Replace.