Når apparatet anvendes, kan der frigives dampe og gasser i en kort periode. Dette kan være skadeligt
for dit helbred. Astmatikere kan blive påvirket af dette.
Før tilslutning af stik til stikkontakten, skal du sikre dig, at afbryderen er i position “0”.
Hold ledningen væk fra dyse hovedet.
Hold børn og dyr væk fra apparatet, når du bruger det.
Hold alle kropsdele væk fra dyse hovedet. Rør ikke ved det, før det er helt afkølet.
Bær apparatet i håndtaget, selv når dyse hovedet er afkølet.
Hold enheden isoleret fra ledningen, både under og efter brug for at sikre, at ledningen ikke kan røre
nogen varme dele.
Stik og / eller ledning er defekt eller beskadiget.
Afbryderknappen er defekt.
Du kan lugte eller se røg forårsaget af brændt isolering fra apparatet.
Ved brug af elektrisk udstyr, følg altid dit lands sikkerhedsforanstaltninger for at reducere risikoen for brand,
elektrisk stød og personskade. Læs følgende sikkerhedsanvisninger også de vedlagte sikkerhedsanvis-
Kontroller altid, at netspændingen svarer til spændingen på skiltet.
Klasse II maskine - Dobbelt isolering - Der behøves ikke en jord stikkontakt.
Udskiftning af ledninger og stik
Hvis ledningen er beskadiget, skal den udskiftes af producenten, et serviceværksted eller en tilsvarende
kvalificeret person for at undgå fare. Kassér straks gamle ledninger og stik, når de er blevet erstattet af
nye. Det er farligt at tilslutte stikket på et løst kabel i stikkontakten.
Brug af forlængerledninger
Brug kun en godkendt forlængerledning egnet til maskinens effekt. Den mindste lednings størrelse er 1,5
mm2. Ved anvendelse af en kabeltromle, udrul altid ledningen helt. Utilstrækkelige forlængerledninger kan
være farlige. Hvis der anvendes forlængerledning, skal den være egnet til udendørs brug. Kontakten skal
holdes tør og væk fra jorden.
Brug altid apparatet med forsigtighed! DÆK IKKE ventilationshullerne, mens enheden bruges,
fordi det indebærer en risiko for forbrændinger! Rør ikke ved den varme dyse!
Med On/Off- kontakten kan du vælge mellem to temperaturindstillinger. Afhængigt af enheden, kan du
bruge følgende indstillinger:
Indstilling I: 50°C (køling)
Indstilling II: 600°C
Luftmængde for begge indstillinger: 500 liter / minut.
When using electric machines always observe the safety regulations applicable in your country to
reduce the risk of fi re, electric shock and personal injury. Read the following safety instructions and also
the enclosed safety instructions.
Always check that the power supply corresponds to the voltage on the rating plate.
Class II machine – Double insulation – You don’t need any earthed plug
Replacing cables or plugs
If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly
qualifi ed person, in order to avoid a hazard. Immediately throw away old cables or plugs when they
have been replaced by new ones. It is dangerous to insert the plug of a loose cable in the wall outlet.
Using extension cables
Only use an approved extension cable suitable for the power input of the machine. The minimum
conductor size is 1.5 mm
. When using a cable reel always unwind the reel completely. Inadequate
extension cords can be dangerous. If an extension cord is used, it shall be suitable for outdoor use, and
the connection has to be kept dry and off the ground. It is recommended that this is accomplished by
means of a cord reel which keeps the socket at least 60 mm above the ground.
Always use with caution! Do NOT cover the ventilation openings during use as it
causes a risk of burns! Do not touch the hot nozzle!
Temperature settings
With the temperature switch you can select from two temperature settings. Depending on the applica-
tion, you can use the following settings:
Setting I:
50°C (cooling)
Setting II:
The volume of air in each setting: 500 litres/minute
To turn on the power
Slide the switch
to position II, the unit is switched on.
To cool the device
After working with the device at high temperature setting (Setting II), the device is getting very hot. So
it is suggested to slide the switch
to setting I, to quickly cool down the device before turning it off
and storing it.
BSI0616bsThKi_19489.indd 7
16/09/16 10:33
When using electric machines always observe the safety regulations applicable in your country to
reduce the risk of fi re, electric shock and personal injury. Read the following safety instructions and also
the enclosed safety instructions.
Always check that the power supply corresponds to the voltage on the rating plate.
Class II machine – Double insulation – You don’t need any earthed plug
Replacing cables or plugs
If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer or its service agent or a similarly
qualifi ed person, in order to avoid a hazard. Immediately throw away old cables or plugs when they
have been replaced by new ones. It is dangerous to insert the plug of a loose cable in the wall outlet.
Using extension cables
Only use an approved extension cable suitable for the power input of the machine. The minimum
conductor size is 1.5 mm
. When using a cable reel always unwind the reel completely. Inadequate
extension cords can be dangerous. If an extension cord is used, it shall be suitable for outdoor use, and
the connection has to be kept dry and off the ground. It is recommended that this is accomplished by
means of a cord reel which keeps the socket at least 60 mm above the ground.
Always use with caution! Do NOT cover the ventilation openings during use as it
causes a risk of burns! Do not touch the hot nozzle!
Temperature settings
With the temperature switch you can select from two temperature settings. Depending on the applica-
tion, you can use the following settings:
Setting I:
50°C (cooling)
Setting II:
The volume of air in each setting: 500 litres/minute
To turn on the power
Slide the switch
to position II, the unit is switched on.
To cool the device
After working with the device at high temperature setting (Setting II), the device is getting very hot. So
it is suggested to slide the switch
to setting I, to quickly cool down the device before turning it off
and storing it.
BSI0616bsThKi_19489.indd 7
16/09/16 10:33
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