© 2001 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
4. Turn the ignition key switch to the start position. Make sure the car is not in gear! If your meter reads (+)12V,
go to the next step. If it does not, probe a different wire.
5. Cut the wire you suspect of being the starter wire.
6. Attempt to start the car. If the starter engages, reconnect it and go back to step 3. If the starter does not
turn over, you have the right wire.
making your connections
When connecting the security system’s wires to the wires in the vehicle it is important that the connections are
tight and no bare wire is exposed. Shown below are two types of connections that may be used to connect the
wires from the security system into the vehicle’s wiring. Both types of connections are electrically acceptable if
made correctly. Other types of “tap-in” connections, such as T-Taps are not acceptable.
1. Cut the wire and strip back about
-inch of insulation on each end of the wire.
2. Twist one end of the vehicle’s wire with the security module’s wire.
Cut and Strip Vehicle Wire
solderless butt connections